Istikharah Prayer

"Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi ilmika wa astaqdiruka biqudratika wa asaluka min fadhlikal azeeme. Fa innaka taqdiru wala aqdiru wa ta-lamu wala alamu wa anta allamulghuyoobe Allahumma in kunta talamu anna hazel amra khairun le fee deene wa maashi wa aaqibati amri faqdirhu lee wa yassirhu lee summa baarik lee feehi wa in kunta taalamu anna haazal amra sharrul lee fee deeni wa maashi wa aaqibate amri fasrifhu ann, wasrifni anhu waqdir leyal khaira haisu kaana summa ardhine behi."

(O Allah! I beg Thee the Good through Thy knowledge and ability; through Thy power and beg (Thy favours) out of Thine infinite bounty; for Thou hast power, I have none. Thou knowest, I know not and Thou art the Great knower of things hidden. O Allah! If in Thy knowledge this matter be good for my faith, for my livelihood and for the consequences of my affairs. Then ordain it for me and bless me therein; but if in Thy knowledge this matter be bad for my faith, for my livelihood and for the consequences of my affairs, then turn me away from me and turn me away therefrom and ordain for me the good wherever it be and cause me to be pleased therewith.)