The Duke Update Emails Page 2 of 5
Fri, Feb 28, 2003

Fwd: After Surgery

Hi Norma,
     This has been a long day......Linda called about 3:30 to say Mike was down to ICU and they were going in to see him.  The doctor had talked to them saying the surgery was very delicate as the tumor was in and around the brain, but that was his specialty and he felt everything had gone quite well.  The biopsy will be back in 3 to 7 days.  The surgery lasted about 6 hours and his recovery will be a day to day assessment.  He may be able to go to the hotel room in a week.
     Linda said they were able to see him this early a.m. before surgery.  She said it would be best for people not to send flowers just yet but cards and she will give me the address when she calls back shortly.
A. Shirley
Sat, March 1, 2003
Fwd: Re: Jay's call re mike Walters update

Dear Norma - Jay just phoned (5:45 Fri) to report that Michael's surgery went very well.  It was challenging, apparently, because of blood vessels intertwined in the tumor.  Michael did well, though, and even gave the high-sign to Jay and Linda as he was being wheeled past them.  There seems to be no paralysis on the left side, as was feared possible.  He will be released next week, with some possibility as early as Sunday night.  This clearly is an answer to hunders of prayer-support people!  Thanks so much for your help in passing this along.  If any further information come we will pass that along also. 
Howard and Verna

Dear Norma,
     Linda called about 6:30 Saturday night and had lots of good news.  She said she had spent the night at the hospital and was able to go in and be with Mike several times during the night.  They are still giving him steriods to keep the swelling down, but he had a little breakfast and then had to go for an MRI.  Linda went back to the hotel and Jay and Amy came to the hospital.  Dr. Friedman was in to see Mike and changed the dressing.  He said the pathology report would be here in the middle of next week and was hoping it would not indicate the need for radiation because he does not like to.  They moved Mike to a room at noon, took him off IV's and he took 2 laps around the corridor with Amy's help.  He has some pain, but seems to have no paralysis or trouble thinking, in fact he told Linda he thought he could do his own email updates when he got to the hotel room.  Doesn't that sound great!

     Linda said they would move in a day or so to a room that had a refrigerator and microwave.  Sounds like they are doing better and we are all relieved and thankful for this news.

Love, A. Shirley
Sun, March 2, 2003

3/1 update

Jay just called (4:15 PM Saturday).  Everything is going very well with Michael.  All phases are moving along swiftly.  He is off all monitors, has left ICU, and at 2 o'clock this afternoon was actually walking.  He is still heavily medicated and will need several check-ups.  Some swelling, etc; but nothing that was not anticipated.  All indications are that he will be released from the hospital late tomorrow.  Jay, Linda and Amy have survived nicely.

Howard and Verna
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