The Duke Update Emails Page 3 of 5
Mon, March 3, 2003

3/2 update

Dear Norma,
     Linda called at 7: 30 P.M. and said Mike has not had a very good day.  He has had a lot of pain and the steriods they are giving him for the swelling are causing him to be nauseous.  She thought they may have to start up the IV's again to give him his medication.  He has been up and about a little bit, but not eating much.  Linda is going to stay in his room tonight.  Dr. Friedman was in to see him this morning.  It looks as though Mike will be at the hospital another few days until they can get him feeling better.

Love, A. Shirley
Mon, March 3, 2003

Sunday evening update

Jay just phoned (8:45 Sunday evening 3/2)  Michael did not have a particularly good day.  Apparently, the apparatus and medications were reduced more quickly than he could tolerate.  He had headaches, stomach sickness, etc. so they are keeping him in the hospital and not discharging him today.  The medical people are not alarmed; this often is the case on the second day.  Keep him in your prayers.

Howard and Verna
Mon, March 3, 2003

3/2 update

Jay just called (12:25 noon).  Michael's condition has taken a turn for the worse.  A study shows that 30% of the tumor remains in there, and Michael is experiencing more pain and swelling.  They have not decided whether they can safely operate to remove that piece.  They cannot do that until later in the week anyway.  Also a Pathology report, expected Thursday, will tell whether there is any malignancy.  If there is, there will be no choice but to operate. 

We understand that Shirley is not where she can be contacted right now.  Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.
Howard and Verna
(Roy - For the prayer chain, please)
Mon, March 3, 2003

Monday noon / Mike

Dear Norma,
Linda has just called with news of Mike, which is distressing and we need to keep praying for him.  One of Dr. Friedman's associates, Dr. Quinn, said the swelling could last for 5 days and it is giving Mike great discomfort.  Dr. Friedman has had another MRI done and he is saying he would like to do surgery again to remove the part of the tumor he was unable to get at.  He says Mike's vital signs are okay and it is a tremendously difficult decision for Linda, Jay and Amy to make, as Mike is hardly in a condition to make a judgement for himself.  They are waiting for the pathology report to come and they have tried to rush it through.  It might help them make a decision.

     We will send out thoughts and prayers to them all.

Love, A. Shirley
Wed, March 5, 2003

Mike's update 3/5/03

Linda just called me.  Mike is getting worse.  He is having seizures & is losing strength on his left side.  He is not eating and is losing strength.  They have decided not to do a second surgery for now because he is very weak.  Jay had to go home yesterday.  Linda is staying with Mike during the day & Amy is staying with him at night.  Mike can use all the prayers he can get right now.

     I'll let you know more as soon as I hear more.

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