Home Page
Javica and Beyond Software and the moving image

February 13th, 2002

Posted Resume

August 23rd, 2001

Posted another version that fixes a couple of minor bugs, and now runs on RedHat Linux, but not yet on MacOS.

August 22nd, 2001

Posted a new version of Javica for Windows users. Up to version 1.5. Much better application now. Actually useable.

August 15th, 2001

Redesigned Site. There was a deluge of new downloads over the weekend because Javica was mentioned on LockerGnome.com. This was just when I was starting to get back into development. As you can see, I started with the website, which was pretty ugly. Next up, releasing source and adding a ton of new features.

September 21st, 1999

Our friends from Mav! Magazine are putting Javica on their new Mavica Shareware CD. I've taken this opportunity to re-release Javica with an oft-requested feature, namely the ordering of pictures. More of a featurette, really. The pictures are ordered by name now, whereas before they were in hypothetical order. We're now at Version 1.2. WooHoo!!!

July 28th, 1999

Downloads are still coming, up around the 2,000+ range, plus a few folks asking for a Linux version which I've now supplied. Geocities merged with Yahoo which screwed up the download procedure for a while. On and off over the past few months I completed a much nicer (codewise) version of Javica, with a proper Object Oriented design and tons of new features. It plays mpegs, reads and writes BMP files, and does image manipulation. I never got round to putting a UI on it, though. It just runs on the command line. Now I have a different project up my sleeves. Just you wait...

November 19th, 1998

Downloads are still coming, along with a few more tech support questions and some pleasant and not-so-pleasant feedback. It's all good. Tweaked the Javica site a little, put some pictures into the Quake/VFX1 feature and added two new features on Linux. Oh, and I got TWO click-throughs from Link Exchange. Woo Hoo!!

November 11th, 1998

200 downloads (since I started recording downloads) and still going strong. Javica version 1.1 is now out. It's a little tougher, and a little slicker, and it does a few more things. Go get it. You may also have noticed I've delved into the shadowy art of amateur banner advertising. Through the wonders of Link Exchange membership, my ad has been displayed well over a thousand times around the internet, and absolutely NOBODY has clicked thru it. NOBODY. Despite that, Link Exchange is a killer service and you should check them out. They provide excellent statistics on demand and it's free, so what do you have to complain about, apart from the fact that you can't get involved in anything anymore without Micro$oft buying it. The day Carmack sells idsoftware to them is the day I shoot myself.

October 6th, 1998

Got the first version of MacJavica out. Haven't tested it on much except my brand new iMac, purchased just for this project. Hope you MacSters enjoy. Also, Javica now converts .411 files to GIFs for easy entry onto your online gallery pages. Check it out.

September 2nd, 1998

Okay, it's finally here. The first release of Javica. There's a user manual, release notes, and a few more galleries to check out.

September 21st, 1999

Our friends from Mav! Magazine are putting Javica on their new Mavica Shareware CD. I've taken this opportunity to re-release Javica with an oft-requested feature, namely the ordering of pictures. More of a featurette, really. The pictures are ordered by name now, whereas before they were in hypothetical order. We're now at Version 1.2. WooHoo!!!

September 21st, 1999

Our friends from Mav! Magazine are putting Javica on their new Mavica Shareware CD. I've taken this opportunity to re-release Javica with an oft-requested feature, namely the ordering of pictures. More of a featurette, really. The pictures are ordered by name now, whereas before they were in hypothetical order. We're now at Version 1.2. WooHoo!!!

August 26th, 1998

Back from California the day before yesterday. New Vacation photo galleries going up soon! Wrote more stuff about Mavica, VFX1 and Javica. Decided to make Javica freeware for this release. Should be available in one form or another before the end of the month. In the meantime, check out my updates on the other pages.

August 7th, 1998

Still working my ass off finishing Javica. It's the attention to detail that kills you. Just when you think you're finished you realize you don't have an Icon, or documentation, or an About screen. It never ends. It's looking good, though. I'm going to splash out on a decent installer program and release it before I go to San Francisco next week.

July 14th, 1998

Worked my ass off finishing Javica, at least to the point where it's installable and should run. Slapped up all the accompanying pages. Going home now, then out to see the Big, Bad VooDoo Daddies uptown. I love new York.

July 10th, 1998

Added the "Linux on my Toshiba 220 Laptop" page, and signed up at the Linux Laptop Volunteer Database. I also added some details to the VFX-1 and Mavica pages. I've been getting quite a few requests for Javica, and I'm working on a nicer version that should be ready by the end of the weekend. Look out for updates to the Javica page, including new screenshots and the entire user manual.

July 5th, 1998

Spent some time before the weekend putting my URL on other Mavica sites, and added myself to the Mavica WebRing. I found another piece of shareware that works like Javica. Installed it, ran it, hated it. Luckily for you Mac and Linux users, it only works on Windows.

July 1st, 1998

I added the Javica page today and wrote a bit more about my adventures with the VFX1 HMD. I also got my New York State Driver's Permit. The DMV in NYC is so much nicer than any I've ever been to in California.

June 30th, 1998

Started home page.

It's all just one man's opinion. Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Michael Shivas. All Rights Reserved.