ENG 103

                WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER COLLEGE           

                    TECHNICAL WRITING (ENG 103)            

                                      FALL 2005






    Project 1



    Project 2



    Project 3



    Project 4



   Project 5


The article “Ten Technical Communication Myths” demonstrates how much we are

influenced by myths. Myths have inspired us across the millennia but according to the

article it is time to outgrow them, especially in the area of technical writing. Technology

expands and slowly but surely creeps in our everyday life, making our life either easier or

more difficult. Technical writing and manuals are often the first clue about new products.

The manual is going to indicate that the new product is going to be easy to use or that we

will have a hard time to make the product effective; consequently, we will never buy it


      I strongly agree with the author’s analysis of myths. The myth #1 claims that

knowledge of specific tools is vitally important when a company is about to hire a new

employee. I know from my own experiences that to learn a new type of software does

not take much time. It might take between two weeks and a month. Nevertheless, to  

learn how to communicate effectively technical information in writing may take years

and years of practice. Therefore, when employers hire new technical writers, the

knowledge of specific tools should not be vital.

     Moreover, I agree with the author’s opinion about myth # 5. A procedure

should have as many steps as necessary to make a task understandable for the

readers of all groups. The procedure should be written so that each task is

assigned its own singular step. It is better to let the readers digest one piece

of information at a time. Once they have finished comprehending the previous

instruction, they are then ready for the following step without being confused.

Therefore, I consider unwise the idea of 7 steps plus or minus 2 as optimum

numbers of steps for a given procedure.

     I want  to respond to myth # 8 which is that usability testing is prohibitively

expensive and difficult. Even though many companies limit the testing resources, the

technical writer should still perform at least basic testing. For example, it is not expensive

to take a new manual with the product and give it to ten readers of different ages and

backgrounds. This audience’s reaction can tremendously help the writer of the manual to

improve its procedure at very low cost. The most important myth is myth # 10 that the

documentation is a cost center. I believe the exact opposite is true, because effectively

and easily written manuals can reduce post-sale costs such as technical support. If I have

a manual, which I can read easily I will be less likely to call company’s1-800 number for

assistance  and I will deal with the product on my own. Properly written manuals can be

used as a shield in costly torts lawsuits of people who got injured while using a product.

The money a company has to pay as a settlement in these lawsuits should de rather spend

in prevention. In addition, a well-written manual can make me decide that I will go back

to the same company if I need to  buy more products or if I simply want to buy an

upgraded version of the product. In the growing global market competition there is

nothing better for the company than the faithful customer who will come back again and


Definition: Technical writing is writing that communicates useful information to the readers.

This information either helps us to solve or understand a particular problem.

Technical writing must be easily understood; otherwise, it is losing its efficiency.