Mills Bouldering Weather Page

Here's the current weather in the locations surrounding McConnell's Mill.

The weather in Youngstown, shows conditions 27 miles to the Northwest.



The weather in Boardman shows conditions 24 miles to the West. This weather tends usually to be headed in the direction of the Mills. It is a good prediction of what the weather will be like at the Mills in an hour or two.

McConnell's Mill location central to the current weather conditions in this tables outer sections.

The weather in Butler 16 miles to the East is usually a fairly accurate reflection of current conditions at the Mills.


The weather in Beaver Falls shows the conditions 15 miles to the South.


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Mills Bouldering


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© 2003 Dean Morgan

The information contained within or linked to by this website is not bouldering instruction. You should receive professional instruction from a certified bouldering instructor before attempting to boulder. Bouldering can result in severe injury or death. You boulder at your own risk. "Mills Bouldering" accepts no liability whatsoever for actions taken by individuals based upon information presented by or linked to by this website. The editor and publisher of this website offer no warranty that the content of this guide is accurate, the use of this website for the purpose of bouldering indicates that you understand its limitations and agree to accept full responsibility for your actions in a potentially life threatening sport.
Use of a crash pad is always recommended.
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