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If you're over the age of 18, be sure to check out my ADULT Mailing List webpage!


This mailing list is an unmoderated discussion list for fans of Sailor Moon and other animes. If you do not mind getting TONS of email and love having intriguing debates please join.

However, if you do not want up to and maybe sometimes exceeding 50 email messages a day, please do not sign up for this list. We also do not want people who "hate" Sailor Moon, nor people who are easily offended or would bring religious views into a discussion on a basis of discrimination. Flaming and spamming our list are an absolute no-no!!!

BUT if you are a fan of Sailor Moon, just looking to find out more about it, or even just an anime fan in general, we heartily welcome you to our list!

Group Moderators
~*Minako Kou*~
~*Makoto Kou*~

If you're over the age of 18, be sure to check out my ADULT Mailing List webpage!

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If you're over the age of 18, be sure to check out my ADULT Mailing List webpage!

Contact me at minako@mastnet.net