Mineral Mania


Rockhound 101 - Your Mineral Collection

Rocks and minerals are a fun and informative introduction to the study of natural history. Rocks engender a greater appreciation of nature, because they are tangible and often beautiful objects that can be preserved in collections. They do not fade and loose their beauty and collecting mineral specimens harms no living thing. Every child who has picked up and pocketed a special rock intuitively understood the magic and wonder of minerals; and every collector started with one rock that caught their eye, then captured their imagination, curiosity or artistic spirit for years to come.

Collecting and studying rocks and minerals can be a rewarding and absorbing hobby for the entire family. Rockhounding can involve travel to wild and interesting places or a visit to your local rock shop; joining a rockhound club to benefit from the wisdom of longtime lithophiles, or buying one or two good books on the subject and setting off on your own.  

A general collection is best for the beginning rockhound who wants to become familiar with the overall principals of minerology. However, a specialized collection may suit your interests or level of knowledge better. Tailor your collection to fulfill your curiosity!  There are no rules that define what a mineral collection should be. There are, however, regulations you must know if you plan to collect specimens in the field. Seek permission to collect on private, state and federally owned lands. Collect specimens in moderation. Treat natural resources with care and never chip away natural rock faces. Collectors can be conservationists, too.

If you suspect you are a Mineral Maniac, enjoy our "Mineral Mug Shots" Photo Gallery and "Geology Rocks!" educational page. Also check "More About Us" for links to our favorite Web sites, including one site that lists links and contact information for Rockhound Clubs throughout the U.S.  We appreciate your visit to our site and hope we have inspired you to wonder about rocks and minerals. Wonder is the key to the door of discovery. Step through the door by utilizing the numerous resources available to you in your quest for knowledge about rocks and minerals. But first, step through the front door, go outside and pick up an interesting rock.

To really wrap your mind around a rock, you need to wrap your fingers around a rock! Pick up two or three! Compare textures, colors, and sizes. Imagine the time and forces it took to shape your rocks. What can your rocks tell you about the creation and history of our planet and your own little corner of earth? Which rock is your favorite?

OK! You are through the door and on your way to becoming a rockhound. Keep picking up rocks, keep comparing, keep reading, and keep the best rock for your pocket!

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Website courtesy of: Dos Grouchos Designs  © bellyacres99@yahoo.com