Recap - Episode 8 - 4/24/02 - Part 2

April 24, 2002 - After the resting period at the pit stop, Oswald & Danny depart first at 8:26pm. Their first challenge was to head to the top of the 440-foot high Sydney Bridge and find the next route marker. They had to sign up with a company called Sydney Bridge Climb in order to climb the bridge. The Bridge Climbers didn't open until the next morning, and the sign-up sheet would dictate the order in which the Teams climbed. Oswald & Danny sign the sign-up sheet and are content to have signed up first. They then decide to do what they always do and set off for a luxury hotel to rest until morning. Which was very smart thinking on their part since it rains that night....very HARD.

They actually lied (LOL...) to the front desk people, said that they already checked out but are waiting on their flight so they asked if they could check their bags. They then proceeded to sleep on some comfy sofas in a waiting area of the hotel. Smart, vert smart.

At 5:45am, they arrive at the bridge and are the first to begin the ascent up the bridge. When they make it to the apex of the bridge. which is 440 feet above the water, they received their clue. They are to make their way to Coober Pedy and find "the Metal Tree." To get to the Australian outback, they would have to fly to Adelaide, then sign up for one of three charter flights to Coober Pedy.

Continuing to have a jump on the competition, Oswald & Danny are the first to arrive at the airport in Sydney and they immediately get on a flight to Adelaide and take off. They arrive in Adelaide on Chris & Alex's tail and this is the team who took the fast forward in Sydney! Oswald & Danny manage to get to the National Jets Terminal and sign up for the first flight to Coober Pedy which Chris & Alex are on. Only 2 teams can board each flight and each flight is 15 minutes apart. So Os & Danny are ahead!

At 2:45pm, Oswald & Danny arrive in Coober Pedy. They jump into their waiting vehicle. Since they won the Fast Forward, Chris & Alex were now able to head directly to the Pit Stop. Oswald & Danny, however, had to search for the next route marker, located at the Metal Tree.

Oswald & Danny were the first to find the next route marker, which had a DETOUR waiting for them. The choices were to "Cool Down" or "Heat Up". In "Cool Down," teams have to locate a particular mine and dig for an opal in a large pile of dirt. Then they would bring it to an awaiting miner, who would verify whether they had truly found a real opal. If what they held proved to be the real thing, he would hand over their next envelope. The mine was cool, but the task is time-consuming. "Heat Up" involved playing three holes of golf on the driest course in the world. The task appeared relatively simple, but trying to golf with the right succession of holes in the vast desert was difficult, and with temperatures reaching as high as 130 degrees, nothing outside would be easy.

Oswald & Danny decide to do the mine. They arrive at the opal mine, put on their gear, and begin their descent into the darkened crevasses of the mine. "Definitely an adventure," Danny stated as they began their search through the catacombs for the dirt pile containing the opals. "Oh, my god. We're lost in a mine!" Oswald commented as they walked through the mineshaft. They eventually find the dirt pile and begin shoveling and looking for a green opal.

Ok, I have to interject here..I know this is all about Oswald & Danny but I have to give props to Tara for one of the episode's most memorable comments......while in the mine, when Wil said to her, "I'm not a miner". She responded with, "I know you're not because you're an idiot!" DOH! Damn, I felt that! LOL...ok, back to the recap...

After being in that freaking mine for eons, Oswald & Danny finally think they found an opal. They take it to the miner, who I might add looks like some random homeless man that AR2 recruited to play the role of a miner, and he indeed says that they have found a opal. He then gives them the next clue, which sends them to the Breakaways National Park. Off they go!

Upon arriving at the Breakaways, Oswald & Danny are hit with a DETOUR. Oswald volunteers. This detour involves playing a game with a boomerbang which is a traditional aboriginal hunting tool. To complete the task, participants have to stand within a circle, throw the boomerang outside of it, then have it return and land within the circle. Believe me, it is not as easy as it looks! Oswald was having serious issues but finally got the boomerang in the circle. However, Paige and Tara had beaten him in getting the boomerang in the circle so Os & Danny thought they were eliminated. Imagine their surprise when Phil told them that they were the 4th team to arrive. So they are still in the game! YEAH! Say BYE BYE to the NY Boys, Itchy & Scratchy. See? Hating on others never gets you anywhere!

"Is that MAC?" - Danny (as an Aboriginal woman put some symbolic paint on his face when they arrived at the mat)

Next week: Apparently, the teams are heading to New Zealand next where Oswald and Chris have some trouble with sheep? Whatever.....stay tuned!

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