Earth: Final Conflict: Atonement

Sandoval decides that enough is enough and offers to testify against the Taelons and their atrocities perpetrated on humans. However, first he has to make it to court...

It's unusual for Earth: Final Conflict to take such a radical step with one of its characters, but it's good to see the show finally making use of what it has. Von Flores gives another superb performance as a man determined to seek vengeance for the wrongs committed against him, but finding the tables turned when his overly-enthusiastic requests are turned down and he is put on trial for his own crimes.

That's to forget the early part of the episode, however, which sees Sandoval in the charge of Liam and Renee in order to make it to the courtroom safely. There are some nicely-played scenes between Sandoval and Liam which have a father/son air about them even though Sandoval isn't aware of Liam's heritage, and it's good to see the FBI agent in a situation even he can't control as people try to kill him from various sources. The Jaridian disguise is a wonderful idea, and there's a huge shock when Hubble winds up on the wrong side of the law by choosing the wrong man to assassinate Sandoval.

The courtroom drama is played well as a series of witnesses line up to confront Sandoval with the evils of his past. The testimonies are damning, but Sandoval's superbly-delivered rebuff makes a passable case for forgiveness. Of course, we all know that he's had some form of control in what he's been doing, but the others can't prove the fact and have to rely on what they think they know. If there's any part of the episode that doesn't work, it's the end. You don't expect Zo'or to just let Sandoval's plan happen, but intervening with missiles seems a little too heavy-handed even for him. It does lead to a perfect end, however, where Sandoval and Zo'or admit that they are the only friends each of them has in the universe. A simple but powerful truth.


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