
Music to accompany this page:
Rocky Mountain Way, by Joe Walsh

Denver was founded in 1858, by the William Russell prospecting party, out of Georgia, while mining for gold along Cherry Creek. Within three Denver skyline and Rocky Mountainsshort years, the population of Denver grew at tremendous rates due to the discovery of more gold in the area. Cheyenne and Arapahoe natives were displaced to make way for settlers. The town was developed as a supply stop for miners, and quickly the railroad, a mint, and banks were built. Manufacturing facilities also were established for farming equipment, as well as food-processing plants. This diversity in the economic make-up of the town came to be a benefit during the late 1800's when the depression hit, and the Sherman Silver Act was repealed. Denver became known as the "cow town" of the Rockies, as stockyards sprung up, and the national Livestock Show was held in the city. Again, it began to flourish, with the growth of new industry and the migration of settlers to the area.

During the gold rush, miners would often pay for goods and supplies with gold dust that they had U.S. Mintmined, and as a consequence, suffered a monetary loss. Prospectors had another option - to send the gold dust to an agent, and have it converted into coin. Unfortunately, the delay mounted to over three months, and additional charges were incurred for the shipping, and services. In 1860, two brothers, Austin and Milton Clark, opened a private mint and produced the first gold coins. Two years later, the U.S. Government approved the construction of a federal mint in Denver, and bought out the Clark brothers. Today, over ten billion coins are stamped at the Denver Mint on an annual basis. Visitors are welcomed for a free guided tour of the mint, to learn and observe how coins are minted.

Maggie Brown and her husband moved to Denver in 1894. He had gained riches in the mining industryParlor of Molly Brown House and followed the lead of other wealthy citizens, and took up residence in the Capital Hill district of the city. Maggie would later gain fame as "The Unsinkable Molly Brown", a nickname that was coined after she survived the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Maggie enjoyed seeing her name in the society pages, and strived to become one of the fashionable ladies of Denver. Maggie lacked breeding and class, but set out to acquire it through studies. She decorated the home from scratch, traveling to this new house without any of the previous furnishings. Her style was eclectic, and there was always a treasure to be found that would catch the eye. Maggie hosted numerous social functions at the house, which were well attended by the elite of Denver and world wide.

Denver is home to the America's largest water theme park, Water World. Located on 64 acres of property are over forty The Bermuda Triangle at Water Worldrides and attractions including water slides, two wave pools and whitewater rafting excitement. After twisting and shooting through an enclosed water slide and plunging down sixty feet in mere seconds in the Bermuda Triangle, relax and float in an innertube along the Lazy River. The family can then gather at River Country to enjoy the seven slides, including several single and double innertube attractions, and a multi person ride through the Ragin' Colorado. Thunder Bay and Surf's Up wave pools offer the opportunity to settle back down from all the excitement before jumping into another of the parks thrilling attractions. Visitors speed down a 50 foot track of speeds in excess of thirty miles per hour on the Screamin' Mimi slide, before gliding across a splash pool. The Spacebowl catapults riders into darkness as they twist and turn through an enclosed flume before drooping into the splash pool. These are only a sampling of the adventures that await visitors to this water park, where adventure only begins the skim the surface.

The Denver Zoo was founded in the late 1800's when the mayor of the city was presented with a brown bear cub. SinceGorilla that date, the zoo has flourished to be among the top zoos in the country with a vast diversity of animals. Part of the mission of the Zoo has been to educate the public not only on the species of wildlife, but also to inspire awareness of conservation efforts to protect animals. Of the over 685 animal species on exhibit at the zoo, 157 Toucanof them are currently on the threatened or endangered lists. Care has been taken to maintain animal collections that represent Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. Special exhibits highlight the environments of animals, such as Primate Panorama, home to twenty-nine species of primates, including the largest gorilla in captivity. The arctic circle is replicated in the Northern Shore exhibition. A favorite to visitors of the zoo are the polar cubs, born in late 1998, who amuse with their comedic antics. A highlight of the zoo is the Tropical Discovery. As you venture through this manmade rainforest amid waterfalls, streams, a cave and an offshore coral reef, guests get to view over 1,200 animals that call this home.

Denver continued...


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