Needless to say, I have not been happy with my weight in recent times. I put on about 25kgs in the last three to four years during a difficult time in my personal life.

Through some hard work and a bit of luck, my personal life got sorted out. For reasons I will reflect on, my weight didn't.

After a high cholesterol result, having to wear my boyfriend's jeans, and being in physical pain after minor exercise, I found the motivation I'd been lacking for a long time.

At the time this journal goes 'to air' (February 18 2001) on the net, I have been focussing on positive health through good eating and exercise for a little over five weeks. Not a long time in the bigger scheme of things, but a helluva long time for someone who used to eat a block of chocolate daily.

I started keeping a personal journal on January 11 2001, and I have pasted entries to my website from that journal. I joined Weight Watchers on January 16 2001, and my weigh-in progress begins from that time.

Why Mopsy? It's a nickname my boyfriend gave to me because I have curly hair that looks like a mop sometimes. I'm not really a bunny-wabbit type o' gal, but it's a cute nick and it's stuck. I won't be using my real name on this site for a bunch of reasons you can probably guess at.

My boyfriend now gets stuck with the nickname of Flopsy, for no other reason than it rhymes with my nickname (really, it's not what you're thinking).

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