
  TREASURE HUNT Sunday 11th March

We met at 10.00 at the usual Mobil petrol station on Limuru road. There was a nice selection of Classics: Fiat 500 (Sardelli), Peugeot 203 (Dom Antoine), Ford Zodiac (J-P), Merc 220 SE (Gary Farant), Humber Super Snipe (Charles Gitau), Jaguar 240G (Andreas Munden), MG Midget (Dominik Bartsch), MGB (Alec Davis), Merc 200 (Mike Tilley) and other teams in modern cars. Everybody was a bit nervous as the organiser of the treasure hunt was not Pierre Parsons, whom we are used to, but Mark Tilbury, who is well known for organising tough treasure hunts. The 19 cars were set off at one minute intervals, starting at 10.31, and were soon going in every possible direction around Parklands! Mark’s tulip directions could be confusing at times, and a working mileometer was a must -Pole Sana Charles! Anyway after a while, and perhaps a second start, we got the hang of it and peace returned between the driver, navigator and passengers. Apart from looking for clues, one also had to find a number of -yellow!- treasures, and this was good news for those whose home happened to be along the route... Accordingly the winner was Pierre Parsons, followed by Peter Young and Brian Nicol. Others like Dominik or J-P did well on clues, but were short on treasures, others like Andreas or Marwa, took the time to get the treasures, but lost out in term of time penalties! Charles Gitau was determined to find his way without resorting to the “panic envelope”, which was hard without a distance recorder, and it cost him 33 points in lateness. Maybe wisest was Ramji, who was most definitely last with 6 points only, he went home with a prize and a bag full of bananas -one of the yellow treasures the participants had to collect! After we had all made it to the Turaco Club, we had a nice lunch of curry chicken, the Club generously offering 2 free meals to each entrant in a Classic car. We were joined by another 203 (Manjit’s), Roger Steadman’s MGBGT and Monte’s 2 CV. Everybody had a good time, and really got excited about the hunt, some were still trying to work out what they missed after lunch! Many thanks to Mark for organising the event, to all the participants and to the Turaco Club.



The Sardellis' Fiat 500 at the start (running on both cylinders!).

Dominique Antoine's prized Peugeot 203.

Gary Farant's beautiful and fast Mercedes 220. Gary is one of the Club's events regular entrants.

Back on the road, Charles Gitau's Humber Super Snipe. He bought the car a few years back, but had to rebuild the engine again as the previous rebuild had been bodged (Thanks Douglas!). He obtained all the parts from a UK specialist, and enlisted the help of a mechanic who worked on Rootes cars when they were new, so hopefully she will run weel for many years!

Andreas Munden's Jag 420G, he is also a regular entrant in Clubs events.

This was a new car to the Club scene, and to Kenya, as this MG Midget was recently imported from Zambia by Dominik Bartsch. There are few Classic cars in Zambia, and when he left he could not find a buyer, so he brought the car here. The small car was looking good and running well.

At the Turaco Club (our destination), a few cars joined us, Manjit Singh's Peugeot 203 was one of them. Manjit was the Club's Chairman for many years.

 At the Turaco, another pic of Charles' Humber.