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After I had started my Clinical Massage Therapy business I was interviewed on a talk show entitled 'A Time To Talk', where I had the opportunity to ask questions of the host, Argie. Before long I was hit with a bug to go back to school. I took some classes on how to how to operate studio cameras. Pretty soon I began volunteering to run cameras for various shows. I just couldn't get enough  time in a studio. I literally was bitten by the studio life bug. Maybe I was an actress in another lifetime, but who knows. Maybe this was some dream I had buried in my subconsious coming to life.

I have a Masters Degree in Manual Medical Therapy (Medical Massage), Clinical Assistant, Physical Thereapy Assistant, CPR. CPR instructor, Holistic Care, Nurses Aid and EMS Program among a couple of others. My wheels really began churning. I thought, 'what a great way to get information about Alternative Medicine and therapy to the public.' This began the birthing process of my local tv show, 'Another Alternative' which airs on Fridays, on GRTV, public broacast station, Channel 25 at 7:30 pm, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

After I had devised a plan on what I wanted to say and who I would have on my shows I asked my husband, Bob to direct the shows. Behind the camera wasn' enough for Bob either. He had been bitten by some kind of studio bug, too!
Cycle Time came alive. Bob hosts the show and I co-host.

Information about our shows can be located on
TV Shows
Debra Foster...
Your Host of Another Alternative
The Winds Of Change
Body Sprays