Politics of a Portlander
    Bush’s Plan for Social Security is to take the money out of the trust fund (the account created by people paying in more than they take out) and spending trillions of it, which still hasn’t been enough to cover record deficits. Step 2 take trillions of dollars more and create private accounts to replace most of Social Security creating an even larger hole for Social Security to have to dig itself out of and risking your benefits on the anything but secure stock market.
     "In the president's budget he takes trillions of dollars of Social Security money to pay for other things," Conrad the top Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee said. "Then he takes trillions more to create private accounts. Those changes only dig the hole deeper."
     The Bush administration has admitted that their plan for private accounts does not fix the future solvency of Social Security, which they must admit because they are in fact attempting to further drain Social Security of trillions of dollars cutting drastically the time it will be able to pay full benefits down from the several decades that it will currently hold up. So they are asking democrats to discuss the ways to actually fix Social Security permanently because they know their plan won’t work, but they think they can use their control of congress and the White House to piggy-back it on a real solution to create huge revenues for special interests and make their first big move towards destroying the security part of Social Security.
     At a town hall meeting for Republican Sen. Rick Santorum the crowd erupted into chants of “hey-hey, ho-ho, Social Security has got to go!” This is the future of Social Security as Republicans see it. The program that took the 90% of seniors that lived in poverty and raised them back to the level of dignity they earned with their lifetime of work is not in the Republican plan for the future.
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Bush's Plan for Social Security