Politics of a Portlander
Personal Ideology
Latest Topics
What I am doing
*    A letter to my representatives about the tax code.
*    Progressive Secratary will send letters that you ok to your congresspersons for you.
*    A compromise on Social Security Solvency (no private accounts)
*    A letter regarding Campaign Finance Reform
*    Here are the responses I have recieved to my letters regarding Oregon's new plan for Education.
Is America primarily a capitalist aristocracy or a free republic? Should we let economic interests run our nation or should we be more concerned with the individuals and what they want? Most Americans wouldn't put business growth ahead of health care or education. My thoughts.
Online petitions:
DCCC Petitions & Initiatives
DSCC Petitions & Initiatives
Stop Breast Cancer
Kids Come First
Fire Rumsfeld
Democratic Agenda
Count Every Vote
Stop Bush Propaganda
Restore Overtime
Stop the Genocide in Sudan
Patients' Bill of Rights
Support Dean's plan for DNC
Stop Republican smear campaign
Our elections have showed us there are still issues that must be resolved before our elections are completely free and fair. In response Sen. Clinton is sponsoring S.17. Take note that the Bush appointed Rep. leader of the Election Assistance Commission resigned saying that his commission works under adverse conditions(article). My thoughts.
Sen. McCain has proposed a bill (S.271) to make special interest groups who spend money on elections through the 527 tax loophole sublect to the same FEC rules as other contributors. My thoughts.
Election Reform
Campaign Finance Reform
Gun laws should be similar to driving laws. My thoughts.
Bush's Budget & National Deficit
The CBO added that over the longer term, the deficit would soar to a cumulative $2.6 trillion over 10 years (2006-2015) under the Bush plan, compared with the $980 billion shortfall the CBO had forecast without the proposal. My thoughts.
Bush's plan for Social Security
"In the president's budget he takes trillions of dollars of Social Security money to pay for other things," Sen. Conrad said. "Then he takes trillions more to create private accounts. Those changes only dig the hole deeper." My thoughts.
The Wall Street Journal's conservative editorial page wrote that whether Tom Delay (R-TX) "violated the small print of House ethics or campaign-finance rules is ... largely beside the point. His real fault lies in betraying the broader set of principles that brought him into office, and which, if he continues as before, sooner or later will sweep him out.” My thoughts.
House Majority Leader Corrupt?
Bush Administration & the Press
Bush said he will continue to support "news stories" that are ads for his proposals paid for by tax payers. This along with paying journalists to promote the Bush side of issues in their reporting and giving credentials to a gay escort to ask questions in the White house press room that would attack Democrats begs the question what does the Bush administration think of the press and the people who watch or read it? My thoughts.
Officially 36M Americans are living in poverty, nearly 18% of all children. However, the truth is the number is much higher and our outdated way of calculating poverty is part of the reason more Americans aren't demanding that something be done. My thoughts.
Poverty in America.
I believe the American government is overrun with people more interested in campaign contributions than the American people they represent. I believe that we must have a less biased government to restore fairness to our laws and our lives.  My Thoughts.
The Grand Design
A Safer America.
What Makes America Great?
Bush has spent months traveling around promoting cutting Soc. Sec. benefits and replacing them with private accounts. This is a distraction from giving more money to the same big businesses who want private accounts for Soc. Sec. through new bankruptcy and class action laws and political appointments. My thoughts.
Selfless voting, better America
Do not vote for a candidate because of what they can do for you, vote for the candidate that you believe will do what you think is in the best interests of all the people he represents. This will give us of government looking to do what's best for all individuals, not just what's best for a few. My Thoughts.
Corporate Executive Pay.
Coporate Executives are choosing the people who decide their pay and bullying them (see John Bolton) into salaries 400 times greater than their average employees and benefits that are enormous and paid whether they do a good job for years or get fired in months. My thoughts.
Paycheck Fairness Act
Sen. Clinton and Rep. DeLauro have proposed a bill to make the law requiring equal pay easier to enforce. My thoughts.
War on Terror, Accountability
The State Dept. numbers show that terrorism is up nearly 400% from 2003's record level. My thoughts.