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School - Students - Parents: Traveling the Road to the Future Together

Mr. Keuter's Classes

  • Language Arts

  • U.S. History

  • Literature

  • Speech




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Mr.Keuter teaches two "Block" classes, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. They are three periods long and combine Language Arts, U.S. History, and Literature/Speech classes.

All four subjects are integrated in a way that enables each subject to support, enrich, and reinforce the other subjects. For example, in the first quarter this year Language Arts class will study expository writing and the structure of an essay. Concurrently,U.S. History class will write expository essays on "Slavery in Colonial America" and a research paper on one Founding Father of their choice. InLiterature class, students will read My Brother Sam is Dead, a novel about the Revolutionary War, and wrote expository essays demonstrating their comprehension, text analysis, and extension of understanding. Speech class will do 1-3 minute expository speechs on a subject of their choice.

Thus, all four subjects complement each other, and their integration helps students develop the specific reading, writing, and speaking skills necessary to meet the 8th grade benchmarks of the Oregon Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM) standards. This type of class integration also allows them numerous opportunities to demonstrate a rich understanding of early American history and a solid grasp of the fundamentals of our government and economy.

Please check out the links on the left. You can find out all about Mr.Keuter in the "Keuter Gallery," see lesson plans and homework due dates in the link below, and see various and sundry other useful (or fun) stuff. Please send your comments and reactions through the email link below.

September's Lesson Plans and Homework

Links to some of the novels we will read in Literature class:
The Old Man and the Sea | My Brother Sam is Dead | The Light in the Forest
Across Five Aprils | The Witch of Blackbird Pond | Night John | Huck Finn
Nothing But the Truth | High Lonesome | Shane

Questions or comments are encouraged at mrkeuter@yahoo.com

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