Change My Ways
by Veronica
(c) 2000

Chapter Four

Alecia punched the button and the bottle of pop landed with a thud at the bottom of the machine. She grabbed it and turned to leave when she ran into something soft.

"Oh, pardon me I. . ." She looked up, shocked.

"So we meet again. Hey there!"

"YOU! What are you doing here?"

"I'm staying here for a while. Is that the way you greet an old friend?"

"Funny, I don't see any friends of mine around here!" She tried to move past him, but he sidestepped her. "Get out of my way!"

"Come on, just talk to me."

"Back off asshole, or I'll stick this can so far up your. . ."

"Hold up, will you! Damnit, I'm not gonna hurt you!"

"Give me two reasons why I shouldn't beat the crap out of you! Not saying that I could, but I can pretend."

"Whoa, did you actually make a joke? I can die happy!"

"Shut up!" she smirked.

"And she smiles too!"

"Whatever, get out of my way." she pushed past him. Nick came up next to her.

"You never told me your name."

"Did it ever occur to you that I don't want you to know my name?"

"Umm. . . no. Just tell me. I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours!" He grinned.

"I don't wanna know yours. It could be jack off for all I care, now would you stop following me please!"

"Ouch, why do you have to be like that. I just wanna get to know you a little. Maybe have lunch together. . ."

She whirled around and looked at him. "I don't want you to get to know me, I don't want to get to know you. Leave me the hell alone. You're not gonna get in my pants so back the hell off!" She screamed and entered her room slamming the door.

Nick grinned, "This is gonna be fun!"


Kris finally called Alecia back and they all decided to go to the mall where she told them about the guy she met at the club the night before.

"So then he tells me that he wants to get to know me! God, can you believe it! He just won't quit!"

"Sounds kinda nice to me! What's he look like?"

"God April, is that all you care about?"

"Hey! April's got a point, ya know CeCe, I mean if he's hot and all. . ." Michelle agreed.

All her close friends always called her CeCe, her parents had started it and now it just stuck. At first it bothered her, but after awhile she got used to it and now she really liked the name.

"Michelle, come on girl! Where's the support?!" Alecia called.

"You have to admit, she's got a point!" Michelle responded.

"Kris. . . come on girl, back me up here."

"Well, what does he look like?" Kris asked.

"Oh for gods sakes! That doesn't matter! He's a jerk!" Alecia all but yelled.

"Oh he must be hot! You're getting all excited!" April remarked, rubbing her hands together.

"Why do I even bother?"

They all laughed and made their way out of the mall.


He couldn't believe she was staying at this hotel. It was just too good to be true. He figured he'd have her wined and dined before the night was over. This was too easy. He laid back on his bed and sighed. He'd have to go about this delicately, he had to get her to loosen up a little first. Use a little of that Carter charm he's known for. A little bit of soft music and the right atmosphere and he was good to go. There was only so long she could resist him, he'd wear her down eventually. He had to be persistent in a cute way. He turned and picked up the phone and started dialing.

Alecia flipped through the stations and groaned. She was getting ready to turn her stereo on when there was a knock on the door. She walked over and opened it.

"Ma'am, this was left for room 442 and that's you." the bell hop announced and handed her the box.

Alecia looked at the box in shock and thanked the bell hop before closing the door. She brought the box over to her bed and opened it carefully. Inside were a dozen long stemmed red roses. She picked up the card and read.

To you:
Twelve roses for twelve chances
Twelve chances to be the one
Twelve chances to change your mind
Twelve chances to be your friend

Alecia stared at the card. 'Who?' she thought to herself. She groaned as the realization hit her. Damn him, and why roses? They were her favorite. She sighed and slumped down on the bed. This boy didn't give up. Well she'd just show him, she wasn't one to be toyed with or bought. She smirked, oh yes, she'd show him.

Chapter Five
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