Original Works
Stopped To Fill My Car Up
Prufrock's Cave
News & Discussion
CBC Newsworld
The Smoking Gun
UK Independent
Guerrilla News Network
This Way To The Real...

This is a website which provides access to original art, photography, literature and poetry.  We also offer many links to different news services.  These services have been selected to try and give you a well balenced, low-biased view of what's going on in the world.

If you would like post any of your work here, please email the web master at
we are currently under construction and invite you to check back soon
More To Come Soon...
Webmaster: mtrdrone@yahoo.ca
Academic Papers
Free Speech & Pornography
Materialism, Free Will & Determinism
If you would like to post anything on this website, please email mtrdrone@yahoo.ca
Great Works of The Ancestors
TS Eliot
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Tradition & The Individual Talent
John Milton
Paradise Lost
This Version Created: 04/12/04
Last Update: 05/20/04
Philosophical Radio
Click The Ferett To See Him Live!
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