(Linda was Yossi's home health nurse from way back when he was first diagnosed. Linda and I used to laugh about how Yossi told her right from the start that he didn't like her, and he wouldn't like her. It was basically that Yossi was scared of being sick. In time, he not only grew to like Linda, but he loved her and totally trusted her. And guess who was Sruli's home health nurse when he had his surgery back in Nov '00? That's right, Good Ole Linda ... even if she is a Broncos fan.-L)

All of you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. It is so hard to find the words to say to be of any comfort to you. Your journey has been so incredibly difficult and one that most of us will never experience or know how it feels. I do KNOW that God is there with Yossi (and with all of you) and he is at peace. I'm sure you know that there is a time you must "Let go and let God". Without a doubt, I know that Yossi was sent for a special mission. He has taught so many to love and accept what life gives you with a smile. What a gift! I, as I am sure so many others, have been touched by his life in a special way and I will never be the same. I wish I could be there with you, but I appreciate your updates every day so much. Tonight, I pray that God's will be done for Yossi and that HE puts his loving arms around you and holds you close. Love and prayers always............Linda

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