(Anne and I probably go back 3 years on Ped Onc. Anne's husband was coming to MN on business, and was willing to bring us the medicine when she found it in Wisconsin. -L)

I have joined with so many others in meditation and prayer for Yossi at this hour. Psalm 13 is a perfect plea for deliverance and mercy, and I know many, many people are holding Yossi and your whole family in our hearts as we recite those words.

I hope you can find a moment to take a deep breath, calm and clear your mind and let all the love and support lift you up today. I know you understand that your beautiful, brave son is in loving hands, regardless of what the days to come may bring, and I hope you're gaining a lot of comfort from that.

Our love to all your family-

Anne Spurgeon & David Woods
Nate, Joseph and Peter

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