Info & Treatment Personal Stories
Having endo can cause 'trouble' in many areas of life... It can be hard to cope with pressures from school, college or work when you don't feel 100% all the time and you may find you need more time off than other people.

It can be so stressful trying to cope with work and catching up with work when it can be hard to concentrate, you feel tired and maybe even very down and emotional.

First things first -

Your health is one of the most important things you have to think about.

This is even more true as a teenager.  You are no longer a child and can look after yourself, but you don't have to run a household and you have less responsibilities than being a full adult.
Therefore you need to be able to take charge of how you feel - you are after all the only person who really fully understands that.
If you do need to take time to rest then do it.  There is no point pushing yourself too hard and ending up worse than you were before. (I learned the hard way).

School & College
School and college can be extremly stressful, especially if you have coursework deadlines or exams coming up.  You need to try and relax as much as possible.  Stress can make endo pains and periods much worse. 
Find ways to relax and make sure you talk to teachers about problems or worries.
If you have been having time off and are finding it hard to catch up with work - tell someone.
If you are finding your work load too much and hard to cope with - tell someone.
If you are feeling like you are not getting enough support and help from teachers, let them or your head of year know. 
Teachers can easily forget an individual pupil's problems and need to keep being reminded - It is much better to go to them about a problem while you are having it than leaving it until it is too late and getting into trouble because you have failed to hand in work etc...
If you find it hard to talk to your teachers ask a parent or friend to help you.


If you need to drop a subject or more to make life easier then get your parent(s) to back up your case. Make sure your head of year knows about your problems; as well as being able to tell other teachers about them for you they can sort out other things to help you, such as giving you permission to take time out of lessons to lie down if you need.
You may wish to talk to your doctor about how you are feeling if school is stressing you out a lot or you are just generally feeling down, I strongly advise this as they can send you for counselling or prescibe anti-depressants if they feel you need them.  It is also good to be able to have the doctors back up if you feel you need to be given less work and more time to rest at home.

I've personally never had a job as I know it would be an added pressure and stress which may make my endo pains worse.  I also think it is good to get as much time for leisure activities as possible or just having the time to 'chill out' as sometimes you can't do it as much as your friends because you aren't feeling well and that tires you out.

But obviously once you have passed a certain age you don't have that chance to not have a job as you need money and might be launching off into the big wide world on your own.  If you have had no work experience it could be harder to get a job, but there are ways of getting experience without actually getting a part time job.  I do four hours a week at a charity shop - I find I feel less guilty for taking time off because I'm not getting paid, but I am also learning valuable skills. 
You can also get work experience through school and if you ask around, maybe family or friends could give you a temporary work placement so that you build up things to include on a CV and gain skills which an employer might find useful.

If you have left school and have a full time job, or do have a part time/Saturday job make sure you keep your employer/boss/supervisor informed on how you are feeling and coping.

If you feel your work is unhappy with you for taking time off on a regular basis then talk to your doctor about it and keep reminding work that it is a known disease and you can't help needing time off.

Whatever you do, whether is it school or college or work,
do not struggle in and make yourself feel worse.