1 Year Old!!!
Kaylee is 1 year old now. She is growing up so fast. At her 12mth well baby check-up Kaylee weighted in at 20lbs 14ozs & is 29 inches tall. She is now in the 50th percentile for both weight & height. She has full mastered walking. Kaylee has 6 words she can say. And, Her favorite is screaming "MaMa" but at the top of her lungs. The first 5 pictures are of Kaylee in her motorcycle outfit that Grandpa Martin got her for X-Mas. And, The motorcycle is from PaPa Corbitt from her b-day. The last 3 are from Kaylee's Gymboree play class.
Please do not duplicate anything off these pages. These pictures & items are very special to us. 
Click the arrow button to see pictures Kaylee's 1 yr professional pictures