Women Of
Noble Character
       Welcome, to our little place on the web. We're here to encourage other women, like ourselves, who have an honest desire to grow and mature their relationship with God. We will study many women, who God thought were important enough to inspire His people to write about, to examine the lessons that were to be guidelines for us to live by. We'll see that they all have different backgrounds, upbringing, social standing and family situations. They'll show us their strengths, weaknesses, and their experiences so that we can gain knowledge of who God is in our lives, and the lessons that we can learn from the lives that they lived.
       We all know that we're not perfect nor can we be. Our best efforts will fail without the loving Father who understands and sustains us. 'Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his under- standing has no limit. The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground, {Psalms 147:5,6} Through prayer, bible study, daily time with God, church membership, and fellowship with other believers we can come to truly know Him.
       So sit back, get yourself some coffee, hot chocolate, or tea and let's press into the Lord, look into His word, see His character, and learn to fulfill His will as we discover how to be the women, the wives, the mothers that He longs for us to be In Him.
        'In a large house there are many articles not only of silver and gold, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.' {2 Timothy 2:20,21}
         Our great Father means for to have life and have it to the full {John 10:10}, to experience a joy that is complete{John16:24}, He wants to fill everything in us in every way{Ephesians 1:23}. As we find ourselves growing in Him, He will reveal Himself to us, we will see Him working around us, and we will know, that this is something that God means for us to be involved in, to become part of His greater picture. So, we welcome you christian sisters, to come along with us as we learn to be
Women Of Noble Character!
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