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Merle Haggard's MCA Records Album Discography

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Merle Haggard's

MCA Album Releases

Merle began recording for MCA in 1977 after 12 years with Capitol. He stayed
with MCA for 4 years through 1981. While at MCA he released 8 albums
and had 20 charted singles with at least 13 going into the TOP 10.

Though Merle's time at MCA produced only 8 albums, MCA has repackaged
that material into at least 10 special market releases. These special market
releases can be found on the Special Market Release Page.

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Click on the Thumbnails above to see a larger version of the album cover.
Click on the
Album # below to see the track listing

MCA-2267 Ramblin' Fever 1977
MCA-2314 My Farwell To Elvis 1977
MCA-2375 I 'm Always On A Mountain When I Fall 1978
MCA-3089 Serving 190 Proof 1979
MCA-3229 The Way I Am 1980
MCA-5139 Back To The Barrooms 1981
MCA-5216 Rainbow Stew 1981
MCA-5250 Songs For The Mama That Tried 1981

If you have any additional information, comments, or suggestions... Please contact us.

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This page was last updated 09/08/00


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MCA LPs 1977-1981 - Epic LPs 1981-1989 - Curb LPs 1989-1998 - Current Releases - Special Markets Releases
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Bonnie Owens Discography - Strangers' Discography -
The Legendary Roy Nichols - Roy Nichols Benefit -

Please note: This is a website for fans by fans.

Be sure to visit the official Merle Haggard website at http://www.merlehaggard.com
and the official Bonnie Owens website at http://www.bonnieowens.com