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  Line 6 Clean


based on...

  Line 6 Sparkle Arbiter Fuzz Face 1x6x9  1960's  Supro S6616   
  Line 6 Twang Chandler Tube Driver


1961 Fender Tweed Champ   
  Line 6 Bayou Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi 1x10 1959 Gibson GA-18  
Line 6 JTS-45 Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer 1x10 1960 Gretsch 6156
Line 6 Class A Tycobrahe Octavia 1x12 1953 Fender Tweed Deluxe
Line 6 Mood ProCo Rat 1x12 1964 Fender Deluxe Reverb
Line 6 Spinal Puppet


1x12 2001 Line 6 Cabinet
Line 6 Throttle


1x12 1981 Mesa Boogie Mark IIc+
Line 6 Chemical X A/DA Flanger 1x12 1961 Vox AC-15
Line 6 Purge Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble 1x15 Supro Thunderbolt S6420
Line 6 Insane MXR Phase 90 2x2 1996 Fender (Mini-Twin)
Line 6 Octone Uni-Vibe 2x12 2001 Budda Twinmaster
Line 6 Piezacoustic1 (for acoustic) Line 6 Lumpy Phase 2x12 1966 Fender Twin Reverb
Line 6 Piezacoustic2 (for solidbody) Sine Chorus (digital chorus) 2x12 2001 Line 6 Cabinet
  Square Chorus (digital chorus) 2x12 Matchless Chieftain
  Plus models based on... Line 6 Expo Flanger 2x12 Roland Jazz Chorus 120  
  Budda 2001 Twinmaster 2x12 Silvertone Twin Twelve  
Fender ' 53 Tweed Deluxe


2x12 1967 Vox AC-30
Fender ' 58 Tweed Bassman Boss DM-2 Delay 4x10 1958 Fender Bassman
Fender ' 61 Tweed Champ Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memoryman 4x12 1973 Hiwatt Custom 100 Cabinet
Fender ' 64 Deluxe Reverb Maestro EP-1 Echoplex 4x12 2001 Line 6 Cabinet
Fender ' 65 Twin Reverb Maestro EP-3 Echoplex 4x12 ' 67 Marshall w/Celestion Greenbacks
Fender ' 96 Mini-Twin Roland RE-101 Space Echo 4x12 ' 68 Marshall w/Celestion Greenbacks
Gibson Explorer Binson EchoRec 4x12 Marshall Cab w/Celestion G70's
Gretsch 6156 Digital Delay 4x12 ' 67 Marshall Cab w/Celestion V30's
Hiwatt ' 73 Custom 100 Reverse Delay 4x12 2001 Mesa Boogie Cabinet
Marshall ' 65 JTM-45 Lo-Rez 4x12 Soldano Cabinet
Marshall ' 68 Super Lead Line 6 Phaze Eko

A.I.R. II Mic Options

Marshall ' 68 Super Bass Line 6 Sweep Echo Shure SM-57  
Marshall ' 68 Variac'd Super Ld Line 6 Bubble Echo Shure SM-57 Off Axis
Marshall ' 68 Jumpered Super Ld MD-421  
  Marshall ' 69 Major


MD-421 Off Axis  
  Marshall ' 87 JCM 800 Boss CS-1 Compression/Sustainer U-67  
  Marshall ' 96 JMP-1 Boss CS-1 Treble (treble boost switch) U-67 Off Axis  
  Matchless Chieftain MXR DynaComp

(A.I.R. II only affects the direct out signals)

  Matchless DC-30 Line6 Vetta Comp (fixed ratio 2.35:1)


  Mesa Boogie 2001 Dual Rectifier Line6 Vetta Juice (fixed threshold -40dB) Deluxe Spring (blackface Fender Deluxe Reverb)  
  Mesa Boogie 2001 Triple Rectifier Auto Swell Twin Spring (blackface Fender Twin Reverb)  
  Mesa Boogie Mark IIc+ King Spring (Line 6 original)  
  Silvertone Twin Twelve


Small Room (studio reverb chamber)  
  Soldano SLO-100 Fender Opto Large Room (studio/nightclub chamber)  
  Supro ' 60's 6x9 S6616 Vox Bias Studio 6 (development studio at Line 6)  
   Supro Thunderbolt Tile Room (porcelain hall bathroom)  
Vox ' 61 AC-15


Memphis Plate (similar to Sun Studios recordings)
Vox ' 67 AC-30 Top Boost

Graphic EQ -

Foil Plate (modeled gold foil plate reverb)

(4-Bands @ 80Hz, 200Hz, 800Hz, 3kHz)

Blue Plate (Line 6 original reverb)

4-Band  EQ - (High/Low Shelving EQ +

Bingo Hall (very reflective/medium hall)

two bands of fully parametric EQ)

Concert Hall (concert hall with lovely tail)
War Memorial (your basic stadium)



Hanger 18 (really BIG reverb)
A/DA Flanger Dual Voice Detune/Shift Propellerverb (dark, fluttery, wooshy reverb)
Boss CE-1 Chorus Ensemble (pitch +/-12 half steps, 1 octave up/down) Radioverb (reverb for feelings and emotions)
MXR Phase 90 (detune +/- 50 cents)


 NOISE GATE - (pre-everything)

Line 6 Lumpy Phase Boss DM-2 Delay A downward expander that "gates" the noise.
Sine Chorus (digital chorus) Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memoryman


Square Chorus (digital chorus) Maestro EP-1 Echoplex A dual "post" compressor, one for each amp.
Line 6 Expo Flanger Maestro EP-3 Echoplex


Leslie 145 Roland RE-101 Space Echo A stereo "line-level" loop for rack mount fx.
Vibratone Binson EchoRec


Digital Delay

Since the Vetta features the ability to use two totally independent amp models at the same time, the Double Tracker provides you with the ability to "simulate" the effect of two separate guitarists playing back the same part simultaneously (through each separate amp model)...but with the inherent timing, pitch, and dynamic differences that each player would have. The effect can be more than subtle, and definitely helps increase the depth/size of your tone.

Special Notes: Reverse Delay

The Vetta gives you three re-routable internal STOMPBOXES 1, 2 & 3 which can be assigned to be any of the numerous effects listed here. Any stompbox can feed AMP1, AMP2, or BOTH.

Line 6 Phaze Eko
Line 6 Sweep Echo
Line 6 Bubble Echo
Ping Pong Delay

Vetta A.I.R. II

The Vetta has A.I.R. II, this is nothing like the POD A.I.R. (which was more or less a volume control for a few milliseconds of miked-room ambience). The A.I.R. II on the Vetta is actual virtual modeled microphones.

These "ONLY" affect the direct outputs and have no affect on the signal that is going to the Vetta's speakers...anyone can verify this themselves by playing thru the Vetta Combo and scrolling thru the different virtual mics...you will not hear any tone change coming out the Vetta's speakers...which would make sense, since you typically mike-up a cabinet to record it, so obviously Line6 has already included the virtual-mics for you., which is really cool!

Expression Pedals

As far as the assignment of expression pedals, you can use the FBX Pedalboards two pedals...or use an external midi foot controller that supports two "assignable" expression pedals, (such as the Ground Control), any MIDI CC 1 message recieved at Vetta's Midi In port will adjust the PEDAL 1 assignment, and any MIDI CC 2 message will adjust the PEDAL 2 assignment.

You are limited in what can be assigned to be controlled:

The LEFT PEDAL can "only" be assigned to:
WAH or Pedal 1, assigned as Pedal 1, you can then route it to one of the following destination:

Stompbox 1 Mix/Level
Stompbox 2 Mix/Level
Stompbox 3 Mix/Level
Tremolo 1 Depth
Tremolo 2 Depth
Loop Mix
Pitch Shift Mix
Post Mod Mix
Post Delay Mix
Reverb Mix
Post Mod Speed
Post Delay Time

The RIGHT Pedal can 'only" be assigned to:
Volume or Pedal 2, assigned as Pedal 2, you can then route it to one of the same destinations I've listed up above for Pedal 1.

Stompbox Routing

The Vetta offers three stompboxes which can be assigned to "any" of the STOMPBOX EFFECTS listed above. They can all be different, or if you so desire, you can assign each stompbox to be the same effect, such as a having three Tube Screamers, but each with different settings. Below is a diagram to show you just how many different ways you can route them. And remember, they can be placed in any particular order, not just 1>2>3, and saved differently for each patch you create. For Line 6 programmed sounds, normally stompbox 1 will be a distortion effect, stompbox 2 a modulation effect, and stompbox 3 a delay effect.


Patch Switching Gap


Vetta Patch Switching

(listen to the above example)


Reverb/Delay Spill Over


The echo/delays and reverbs do not spill over between patches, they end immediately as you switch to another patch. However, you can create a spillover if you use an EXTERNAL DELAY/REVERB (line level, not stompbox) in the FX Loop, and the FX Loop is turned on for a series of patches. As long as the FX Loop remains turned on, switching between these FX Loop Patches will allow the external fx unit to continue sounding out.

Amp Toggle Overlap

When using the FBV (formerly named FBX) Foot Controller to toggle between Amp 1 and Amp 2, there is a time period of about 40 - 60 milliseconds in which both amps are ON at the EXACT SAME TIME. In other words, a perfectly exact toggle between the amps does not occur. Unfortunately, this results in a very unnatural and noticeable increase in volume simply because the volume of both amps are added together for that brief toggle moment. Line 6 has been made aware of this and hopefully it can be corrected through a future software update.


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email: nathanshane@yahoo.com