
  "I ain’t dead yet!”

Andre's Biography
Andre lives in Fredericton with his lovely wife Stacey and the lovely cat Athena.  Andre has lived on both Canadian coasts  and until recently has refused to say he was from anywhere but Halifax, the land of his birth and the Bluenose.  However, recently he has admitted a hometown advantage in Anse-Bleue where most of his family resides. 

Andre is still not dead, after finally undergoing open-heart surgery. Not that he was ever dead, much to the chagrin of his many wives and followers who must suffer through his incessant attempts at haiku poetry, his uncanny ability to turn your favourite song into an annoying parody, and his obsession with television, in particular his 24 hour a day preoccupation with "Survivor." 

Andre was the only sober survivor, and as such was the "designated walker" of the group and made sure everyone made it back to their beds at night.   However, since they fixed his heart up all nice, we can't stop him from drinking. Two years ago, Andre threw up his soul after a fun night with Pierre, The Captain, and Jose. He did have the presence of mind to dig his own hole in the sand first, so that's something.

Andre has recently discovered that he may or may not have something called “diverticulitis.”  It is a disease, which, like his heart disease, often strikes the elderly.  As a collector of old man diseases, Andre’s diet has recently changed from simply white rice and meat to healthier options, like not white rice and meat.  In addition to downing the occasional Bowel Buddy, he has had to make friends with salad. 

Andre’s birthday is August 3, 1973, making him a lovable Leo.  This year, he turns 33, thus achieving his lifelong goal of being older than Jesus was when he died. 

Andre THINKS he is most like the real Survivor, Greg.
His fellow survivors think he is in a league of his own, a combination of Richard's scheming, Sean's misspent IQ, and Greg's offbeat sense of humour.