[NEGWA Hall of Fame]

Since it's inception in late 2000, NEGWA has become one of the most unique promotions around, and that is more than due to the participation of it's members.  Here now, we are proud to present the NEGWA Hall Of Fame.

(Bio pages for NEGWA HOF coming soon!)

[Ash] [Jade Diamond]
[Trent Storm] [Brendan Aryze]
[Andre Reese] [Hardcore Jay]

[EGWA Hall of Fame]

If you're looking for an assortment of athletes that would best describe what the New Extreme Global Wrestling Alliance is all about, then you have found it. What you are looking at is the Hall Of Fame. This is the Valhalla of the NEGWA, the place where old weary fighters go to rest, and the rookies stare on in awe.

There are no real requirements as to who can join the Hall of Fame, however, there are several criteria. Historical signifigance, titles held, roleplaying ability, work ethic. If you've worked hard enough, then it's a good chance you'll be here one day as well. Now, on to our inductees! Click the banners to go to their personal space.

You are now looking at the members of the EGWA Hall of Fame.

[The EGWA's Greatest Matches]





[NEGWA Try-Out Board]


[Singles Roster]

[Tag Team Roster]

[Hall of Fame]



[Semi-Annual Awards]


[RolePlay Board]

[Back-Up RolePlay Board]

[OOC Board]

[Test Board]

[Members Area]

[Calendar of Events]

[Upcoming Monday Night]

[Upcoming PPV]
