New St George Morris - main page: hit this if you've got lost!

Where, how and why, kit, etc.

Our members, in all their glory!


What we got up to in 2000 (includes separate pages on specific events)

What we *think* we're doing in 2001, as it stands at present.

Just a few neat pics!

What's that, then?

The team is named after a song by Richard Thompson - here it is!

Let us waft you elsewhere in the cyberverse...

Drop us a line - they can't touch you for it!

These people were daft enough to sign our guestbook.

Go on, show us you're daft enough, too!




The dances we do are taken from four main traditions (in white below), with a few waifs and strays from other traditions, because we liked them!

Key to codes: * means we’re still learning it, ** means we’re planning to learn it this winter.



Sweet Jenny Jones (above: Goadby Marwood, 25th June 2000)

Bluebells of Scotland

Lads a’Bunchum*

Black Joke

Beaux of London City

Shepherd's Hey*

The Lollipop Man

Postman’s Knock

Cobb’s Horse [8 dancers]

Landlord Fill the Flowing Bowl [8 dancers]

The Roast Beef of Old England*



Bean Setters (above: Hose, 8th July 2000)

Jockey to the Fair

Maid of the Mill

The Month of May*

The Old Woman Tossed up in a Blanket*


Field Town

Old Molly Oxford (The Step-Back) (above: Scarborough, 1st July 2000)

Banks of the Dee

The Valentine

Balance The Straw

Shepherd’s Hey (Signposts)

The Lass of Richmond Hill*

The Rose*

Farewell My Dearest Nancy (Garryowen)

Old Woman Tossed Up

Saturday Night

The Field Town Processional (which we largely made up as we went along (again))



Vandalls of Hammerwich [8 dancers] (above: Old Dalby, 31st August 2000)

Milley’s Bequest*[8 dancers]

Ring o’Bells*[8 dancers]

The Sherriff’s Ride*[8 dancers]

Castlering**[8 dancers]


Other traditions

Bonny Green Garters [Bampton: done to the tune of The New St George]

The Upton-on-Severn Stick Dance**

The Alexandra Park Road Stick Dance, N22, which originally belonged to The Eclectics from London*[8 dancers]

The Queen’s Delight [Bucknell] *

Young Collins [Bledington] **

Laudnum Bunches [Headington] **

Skirmish [from anywhere we please] **

Oh—and various members of the team slip in some morris jigs from time to time! (below, Goadby Marwood)

Same jig, at least two different traditions!



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