My Research Fees
$8.00 per hour
$0.30 per b & w copy
$1.00 per color copy
$1.00 per microfilm copy
$0.37 per mile ( is used)
$Cost of  Postage
$Parking (Only if I am charged for parking at that location)

$8.00 per hour doing cemetery research
Free digital pictures in your e-mail
$4.00 digital pictures burned on a cd

I will also take pictures of other locations such as houses at the cost of milage $.37 if you know the location.  If you do not know the location then it will go by $8.00 hourly plus mileage.
Here are some of the locations that I will go to but are not limited to..and the distance that they are from me. With the roundtrip fee amounts

National Archives D.C                                          
82 miles Round-trip          $30.34

Library Of Congress                                            
82 Miles Round-trip          $30.32

Virginia State Library Archives in Richmond, Virginia
142 miles Round- Trip      $52.54

Fredericksburg Library, Virginia Room                 
32 miles Round-Trip         $11.84

Surrounding Counties Court Houses
Stafford County
Surounding Counties Cemeteries
I love doing research and helping others out in their research.  I am not living in an area when I can easily research my own or my Husbands family lines.  My Husband is in the Marine Corps and we are staitoned in Virginia, and our families are from elsewhere.  I will most often than not, spend more time researching for my clients than they have asked and have paid me to do. But as they say,
I am Addicted to Genealogy!