You have entered the dark world of guitars, insanity and Rock n' Roll..
... and irrational stuff like chemical engineering ! What can I say, but Welcome to the jungle !

Yes, its all true. And then maybe not. First of all, look at yourself. I mean, how desperate or bored must you be to visit such a stupid webpage in the first place ?
Ok, now that you are here, let me tell you what you can get at this site. First of all, all sorts of needless info on me, about me, around me and just about anything concerning me. What a selfish fella, you must be thinking, just talkin about himself.
You thought so, did you ? Well then, theres more. A rock n' roll page where I talk about Rock bands whose music I like. Rock n' Rule ! And then theres a chemical engineering page where you can get some nice little chemical engineering software and a guitar page where I have posted a few riffs and links to some great guitar tab pages. And then there are fun and games too ! Check out my game page for a nice little applet-based game.

Last update :
Jan. 12,2001 -- Major changes are coming soon .... till then, jus' rock on !

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