Welcome to the
2nd New Jersey Infantry.


Original Flag Presentation Original 2nd Page: July 25, 2005: 1861 Newark Daily Mercury account of the State Flag presentation.
Events Event Page: January 16, 2005: Update of Tenative events for the 2005 season.
West Chester RR Event Photos Page: August 16, 2004: Pics from the West Chester RailRoad "Time Train".
Events Events Page: August 12, 2004: Added West Chester RailRoad Aug 6-8, and Antietam Sept 17-19.
Members Members Page: July 4, 2004: Added photos of new members for the 2004 season.
Haddon Heights 2004 Photos: July 4, 2004: Photo of 2nd and 3rd New Jersey after the Haddon Heights 4th of July parade
Spotsylvania 2004 Photos: July 4, 2004: Page of photos from the 2004 Spotsylvania reenactment outside Fredricksburg Va
Spotsylvania Journal After Action Report: June 10, 2004: After action report from 140th Spotsylvania reenactment written as a period diary entry
Home Page Links: May 20, 2004: Messages from the Commanding Officer and 1st Sergeant added along with Photos of same
Marching Home Article: December 14, 2003: Reprint of Courier News article appearing in the December 3, 2003 issue.
140th Rememberance Day Photos page: November 18, 2003: Added page containing photos from the 2003 Rememberance Day Parade at Gettysburg.
Cedar Creek Photos Photos page: October 21, 2003: Added page containing photos from the 2003 Cedar Creek Re-enactment.
Events Page Map: September 26, 2003: Added link to map for Cedar Creek Re-enactment. Click on "Cedar Creek Battlefield".
Battle of Cedar Creek Article: September 17, 2003: Descriptions of the parts played in the Battle of Cedar Creek by the First Jersey Brigade, Fifteenth New Jersey and the Sixth Corps.
2003 Haddon Heights 4th of July Parade: August 19, 2003: Photos from the our Parade in Haddon Heights, NJ. The 2nd NJ was joined by the 3rd New Jersey to celebrate our Nation's birth.
Gettysburg 140th Anniversary: August 16, 2003: Photos from the 3rd day of the 2003 Gettysburg re-enactment. The 2nd NJ was with the 3 Battalion of the USV for the weekend.
The 2nd and 3rd NJ Infantry: July 9, 2003: Link to a photo of the 2nd NJ and 3rd NJ after the Haddon Heights 4th of July parade.
Memorial Day?: May 30, 2003: Article by Walt Barger of the 2nd New Jersey written after a Memorial Day experience in 2003.
Neshaminy 2003 Photos: May 10, 2003: Photos from the 2003 Neshaminy, PA re-enactment of the Battle of Salem Church. Linked from the Event Photos page and the Neshaminy 2003 After Action Report.
The Feu d'enfer: May 7, 2003: Article on Napoleon's tactic of the Feu d'enfer. By Dave White. Linked from the Articles page.
Neshaminy 2003 After Action Report: May 6, 2003: Added page with 1st Sgt's Report of the Event. Linked from the Articles page.
Battle Hymn of 2nd New Jersey: April 29, 2003: Added verse to "Battle Hymn of 2nd New Jersey" for the 3rd Regiment New Jersey Infantry.
All Pages: April 2, 2003: edited source code to fix a glitch with older versions of Internet Explorer Web Browser.
Events: April 1, 2003: added link for McDowell directions, added April 5th drill and meeting to schedules.
Links: March 14, 2003: added link to Grand Old Army, the cap and coat supplier for the 2nd New Jersey.
Events: March 9, 2003: added links to Neshaminy, McDowell, Gettysburg and Cedar Creek web sites.
Battle Hymn of 2nd New Jersey: March 6, 2003: added page, lyrics and MIDI file.
Articles: March 6, 2003: added page to link to articles. First link to "Battle Hymn of 2nd New Jersey"
Members: March 6, 2003: added member photos, updated quotes.
All pages: March 2, 2003: added "Contact Us" choice to page headers
Events: January 20, 2003: updated events calendar for 2003 and added map links for local events
Cramptons Pass: February 10, 2003: added page as a sub-page in Original Unit. A description of the battle at Cramptons Pass on September 14,1862 just proir to Antietam

2nd Regt N.J. Vol. Inf.
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