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There are several ways to get involved:

Learn more about the labyrinth and its uses.
Please explore the
link section of this site.

Find out about scheduled  walks or public available labyrinths in your area and attend one. Use the
"Upcoming Gatherings" link or the link on the main page.

Connect to our webforum of
"The New Jersey Labyrinth Project@YahooGroups". There you will find much useful information about New Jersey Labyrinths, an events announcement mailing list and discussion forum, a complete calendar listing of all (NJ) events, an open picture gallery, and various labyrinth resources.

If you like your experience at the labyrinth, tell your friends about it and invite them to come to a labyrinth gathering and connect with
"The New Jersey Labyrinth Project".

Help promote the labyrinth by linking our site to your site.

If you are a labyrinth facilitator (or know of someone who is) list your labyrinth events at our
calendar on Yahoo Groups. If you have a labyrinth related website e-mail us your link and/or pictures of your labyrinth and we will include it on this site.

If you like to arrange for a labyrinth event at your group, church or temple, we can help you to do so.
We  provide full labyrinth set-up services at affordable rates. Follow the
Labyrinth Services Link.

We encourage you to become a member of
The Labyrinth Society"
Inside Our Site:

About Us/ Home


Photo Gallery

Upcoming Gatherings

New Jersey Labyrinth

Who is Who

Get Involved

Labyrinth Services

Congrats & Thanks

Mailing List

Get Involved
Contact Info:
Joachim J. Becker
Phone: (973) 743-0653