Member Guidelines:
1. The most important guideline I have on this web ring, is that I believe the Lord Jesus is alive today, that the Father and the Holy Spirit are alive and that all three can and will communicate with men and women in this day and hour. I believe we are to Worship the Godhead, and believe the Scriptures

2. I believe the Gifts of the Spirit are available today, speaking in other tongues, as a message to the Church or as prayer in the Spirit. That the Gift of Prophecy is still available in the Church or anywhere else the Spirit sees fit.  That the Lord not only can, but wants to speak to us, and does often.  I believe that just because you don't hear His voice, doesn't mean He is not speaking. I believe in Visions, which are the Lord's great Teaching tool for young and old, men and women. I believe in Revelations found in the Scriptures, opened up to us by the Holy Spirit Himself.  I believe in Spiritual Dreams given by the Holy Spirit to direct our lives and open up our understanding.  I believe in the Gifts of Healing and Miracles. I believe in Teachers and Prophets in the Church, which is the Body of Christ. I believe the Lord gives the Gift of Discernment of Spirits, for our protection from the enemy's attempts to deceive us.

3. If scripture is quoted, the translation should also be made known.

4. Site owner must be a Christian. You do need to have Christian issues on your site. This is not a web ring for any of the other wonderful topics; this ring is anointed and direct.  The Spirit speaks and its up to your spirit to discern if you get a witness or not. If not the Word was not for you in particular, but other members of the Body of Christ.

5. You must agree not to modify the Web Ring Graphics in ANY way.

6. Your site must be free of links, web rings, or affiliations with websites or groups who support, contain or condone any of the following content: angel worship, worship of Mary or other being (real or imagined); nudity; offensive language, images or material; psychic, horoscope, tarot; wicca, witchcraft; pagan; occult; un-Godly symbols; or any thing that may insinuate (but not directly indicate the above).

7. You must have the code placed on your site within a reasonable amount of time. A week is understandable; 2 weeks without placing the fragment on your page will result in being placed back in the queue. Having errors in the fragment will also get you placed back in queue.

8. You understand that the Ringmaster may at any time modify and/or add to these guidelines without prior notification. If your site fails to meet new guidelines, it will be removed from the web ring immediately, but you will receive notification so that an inactive web ring fragment isn't present on your site.

If you can comply with all of these guidelines then you may Submit your site to the queue.  After submitting, you will be given a copy of the HTML fragment  to be promptly copied and pasted on your main homepage, the URL that you submitted, don't forget to download the ring graphics.

                God bless you and fill you with Love!!
                       Ringmaster: Noni Bardeen

This A_Shekinah_Prophecy_WebRing is owned by Noni Bardeen

Powered by Life Rings