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Campaign Against Nuclear Dumping warmly invites anyone and everyone opposed to the planned national nuclear waste dump to come along to our weekly meetings to help plan and organise upcoming events. Every Wednesday, 5pm, Conservation Council, 120 Wakefield St., Adelaide.

Write to the Prime Minister John Howard expressing your opposition to the nuclear dump. The SA state government recently put a full-page ad in The Advertiser asking people to write to the PM, so let's make sure he gets a barrage of letters. Address: Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, 2600. Best to write and post, but you can also email: www.pm.gov.au/email.cfm

This site is part of the opposition to the proposed nuclear waste dump near Woomera, South Australia. Have a look at the approximate location of site 40a here.

19/07/04 Federal Government Backs Down on SA Dump Plan
The Federal Government has decided to abandon the establishment of a national low level waste repository at site 40a near Woomera in South Australia... read more

24/06/04 Australian Court upsets Government plan for desert Nuclear Waste Dump
Australia's federal court dealt a blow to government plans to build the country's first nuclear waste dump deep in the South Australian desert... read more

5/06/04 ARPANSA Reports slam nuclear dump
Two reports released by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) have raised a range of concerns and criticisms regarding the federal government's plan to build a national radioactive waste dump in SA... read more

5/05/04 Federal Government still looking at High and Medium Level Nuke Dump?
The Federal Government may still be keeping its options open about establishing a high and medium level nuclear waste dump in the outback of Australia..... read more

1/03/04 Significant steps forward for the campaign against nuclear dumping
The federal nuclear regulator ARPANSA was in Adelaide last week for a two-day forum on the planned national nuclear waste dump.... read more

25/01/04 International Atomic Energy Agency Experts Visit Dump Site
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will keep secret its team of experts visiting South Australia's proposed site for the first national radioactive waste dump..... read more

8/01/04 Peace Pilgrimage Arrives in Adelaide
The Peace Pilgrimage arrived in Adelaide on Jan 8th, as part of their walk from Roxby Downs to Japan. More details about the walk can be found here (opens in a new window).

9/12/03 SA Government Loses Dump Case but Vows to Fight On
The State Government yesterday lost a court bid to prevent the establishment of the Federal Government's low-level nuclear waste dump near Woomera. ..... read more

7/12/03 Wir Stellen Uns Quer - We Will Always be in The Way!
We arrived in Northern Germany only a week before the transport of highly radioactive nuclear waste was scheduled to roll into Wendland; a peaceful, rural region with storybook houses, small farms and the mighty river Elbe.... read more

25/11/03 100,000 People Protest Atom Rubbish Warehouse
Since the decision by the Italian parliament on the 14th November for the location of an Atommüllendlager, Basilicata streets and railways have been blocked in the region. Yesterday a demonstartion with more than 100,000 persons found that it is possible to try and stop the atom rubbish warehouse. read more

17/11/03 Australia Named Best Nuclear Waste Site
Australia is the best place in the world to build an international underground dump for high-level nuclear waste, a Swiss-based nuclear lobby group claims..... read more

13/11/03 Democratic Opposition to Waste Repository Should Prevail
There is overwhelming opposition to the Repository and associated waste transport by community, political parties, unions, traditional owners, and State and Local Governments across NSW and SA. read more

12/11/03 - A Nuclear Nightmare in Sydney's Backyard
The deportation of accused al Qaeda bomber Willie Brigitte, suspected of plotting an attack on Sydney's Lucas Heights nuclear reactor or other military sites, coincides with warnings of a major public health catastrophe resulting from a terrorist attack. read more

1/11/03 - Waste and Political Manipulation : South Australia's Nuclear Waste Dump
The Howard Government is giving up to $300,000 to a public relations company to spy on Adelaide radio stations and the Rann Government as part of its campaign to force a nuclear waste dump on the people of South Australia. read more

A newsletter for the Antinuclear Movement. To subscribe, send an email with 'Subscribe' as the subject to dreamwoken@ace.net.au. (one or two electronic newsletters/month).

Subscribe to the email list of the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta by sending an email to kungkatjuta@iratiwanti.org