Welcome to the
North Shore Wargames Club
Web Page


Our email address is- north_shore_wargames@yahoo.com

Contact numbers for the President are -    (+64-9) 410 6167 after hours

Old fashion mail can be sent to-
Stuart Todd
13 Blakeborough Drive,
Forrest Hill,
Auckland 1310
New Zealand

Other Stuff…

Copyright 2002 Stuart Todd – All clip art was custom made and is owned by Stuart Todd and cannot be used without expressed permission and yada yada other legal stuff....

Version 2.2.4

You may also notice a version number. How works is like this- The first number (1.XX) denotes a major revision change, e.g. The entire page is changed to a new format. The second number (X.1X) refers to additional section or more information added. And finally the third number (X.X1) denotes an information update, change of details or something like that.