Hi everyone. Welcome to spring! I know that I’m really looking forward
to some warmer weather and all of the spring flowers coming up.
We have a nice program set up for the April meeting. Maureen Delahunt
will be speaking on Irish gardens. Please bring your favorite teacup with you and enjoy a
spot of tea with us.

You should be receiving your quilt raffle tickets soon, if you haven’t already. Please make
an effort to sell them all. We have a very large charity budget to meet for next year
since we will have 7 graduating seniors. There will be dates set up at various locations to
sell tickets.

There are a number of important things in this newsletter: Ways and Means budget,
Nominations for offices for next year, June dinner information, member renewal for
next year, award nominations among other things. Please take time to look at everything
carefully so that we can talk about it and vote at the next meeting.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Dates to remember:
April 22, 2008 - District Day at The Wharf in Madison
April 22, 2008 - 6:30pm Work on Veteran’s Flags at St. Augustine’s Church

Flags for Veteran’s Program: Information has appeared in the local papers and
applications are located at many locations in Northford and North Branford. If you are
interested in dedicating a flag to someone, please try to get it to me as soon as possible
so that I can put a list together before our meeting. If you have any questions, you can
call Carla, Carmel or me. Thanks, Mary Ellen.

Courtesy Note: Please turn your cell phones to the vibrate mode when you're at the
meetings. I certainly understand that we are all often waiting for important calls. All I
ask is that you take them either in the hallway or in the kitchen so that it doesn't
distract from the meeting. Also, if we could try to limit the side conversations we could
get through the meeting faster. This will give everyone more time to socialize after the

Mary Ellen