New York Mustangs

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Drill: Fast Feet
Purpose: Conditioning
How to: Start with the team spread out on the base line. Begin with a sprint to the opposite base line and proceed through the movements listed. Finish with a high intensity line drill to get the most out of the drill.
  1. Sprint - Sprint to the opposite baseline.
  2. Back Peddle - Players should keep their hands at shoulder height. Emphasize running in a straight line.
  3. Slide Right - Players should stay low, keep their hands up and not cross their feet.
  4. Slide Left - Same as above
  5. Crossover Right - Players should cross their feet as quickly as they can while moving laterally. This is a popular tennis warmup. Great for building quick footwork.
  6. Crossover Left - Same as above
  7. Right Leg Hop - Usually a plometrics drill, this will build calf strength and rebounding reaction time.
  8. Left Leg Hop - Same as above
  9. Double Leg Hop - Same as above
  10. Line Drill - This really gets the burn. Finish with an intense line drill. Make sure players touch the foul line extended, half court line and foul line extended before finishing with a sprint.
The players should be winded after the drill so now is a good time for them to learn to refocus and knock down their foul shots. Remember, two foul shots and rotate, better simulates game situations than simply taking ten. It also means that all of the players should shoot two shots before the completely catch their breath.

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