Nythamar de Oliveira

Curriculum Vitae


Professional Address:

Pontifical Catholic University (PUCRS)
Dept of Philosophy - C. Postal 1429
Porto Alegre, RS 90619-900 Brazil

  Department of Philosophy
The University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft St. MS 510
Toledo, OH 43606-3390
Phone: 419-530-4517

Email: nythamar@yahoo.com



Ph.D. in Philosophy: 1994

Dissertation: “On the Genealogy of Modernity: Kant, Nietzsche, Foucault”

SUNY at Stony Brook

Stony Brook, NY

Committe: David Allison, Kenneth Baynes (Advisor), Mary Rawlinson, Gene Lebovics


M.A. in Philosophy: 1990

Villanova University

Villanova, Pennsylvania

Advisor: Prof. Dr. John D. Caputo


PhD Candidate (ABD): 1990

Westminster Theological Seminary

Philadelphia, Penn.

Advisors: Prof. Dr. R.D. Knudsen, Prof. Dr. William Edgar III


M.A. in Theology (Maîtrise en Théologie): 1987

Faculté Libre de Théologie Réformée

Aix-en-Provence, France

Thesis: “Imago Dei et Utopie Sociale: Essai d'Anthropologie Postcritique”

Advisor: Dr. Christian Rouvière


B.A. in Theology (Licence en Théologie): 1985

Faculté Libre de Théologie Réformée

Aix-en-Provence, France


Areas of Specialization and Competence:


Ethics and Political Philosophy; Phenomenology
Latin American Philosophy


Academic and Teaching Experience


Visiting Professor
Department of Philosophy
The University of Toledo, Ohio, 2007-08

Post-Doctoral Fellow,

Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung: 2004-05

Universität Kassel, Germany

Advisor:  Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Flickinger

London School of Economics, University of London

Advisor:  Prof. Dr. Cathérine Audard


Post-Doctoral Visiting Scholar: 1997-98

New School for Social Research, New York

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Richard J. Bernstein


Pontifical Catholic University, Department of Philosophy,

Associate Professor, Since March 1999 (on leave, 2007-08)


Federal University of Santa Catarina, Department of Philosophy,

Associate Professor, Mar. 1994 - Feb. 1999


SUNY at Stony Brook, Department of Philosophy,

Instructor, Fall 1994


Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Department of Philosophy,

Adjunct, Fall 1992 - Spring 1993


Villanova University, Department of Philosophy,

Teaching Assistant, 1988-1990

Interdisciplinary Experience:

Brazilian Center for Research in Democracy, Director (PUCRS, Porto Alegre, 2009 -)

Research Ethics Committee (PUCRS, Porto Alegre, 2004-07)

Jewish Studies and Jewish Philosophy (PUCRS, Porto Alegre, 2006)

Medical Ethics and Applied Ethics (UFRGS, Porto Alegre, 2006)

Social Philosophy and Global Ethics (PUCRS, Porto Alegre, 1999-2007)

Environmental Ethics and Political Ecology (UFSC, Florianopolis, 1994-98)

Most Recent and Current Research (2003-09):

Transcendental-Semantic Perspectivism and the Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights (2006-09)

Research Programme in Phenomenology (2007-10)

Research in Moral Epistemology, CNPq (2003-05)

Research in Criticism and Semantics





Tractatus ethico-politicus. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 1999. 224 p.

On the Genealogy of Modernity: Foucault’s Social Philosophy. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2003. 176 p.

Rawls. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2003. 78 p.


Co-Edited Books


Phenomenology Today. Co-Edited with Ricardo Timm de Souza. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2001. 519 p. Includes contributions by Klaus Held, Heinz Leonardy, Donn Welton, Zeljko Loparic, Jens Soentgen, Roberto Walton, Pierre Kerszberg, E.J. Stein, Lee Hardy et al.


Phenomenology Today, Volume 2: Meaning and Language. Co-Edited with Ricardo Timm de Souza. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2002. 517 p. Includes contributions by John Caputo, Dominique Janicaud, Hans Ineichen, Donn Welton, Gerd Bornheim, Zeljko Loparic, Jens Soentgen, Carlos Gutiérrez, E.J. Stein et al.


Justiça e Política: Homenagem a Otfried Höffe. Co-Edited with Draiton de Souza. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2003. 694 p. Includes contributions by Otfried Höffe, Hans-Georg Flickinger, Dick Howard, Thomas Kesselring, Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Jean-Christophe Merle,Thomas W. Pogge, Alessandro Pinzani, Denis Rosenfield et al.

Hermeneutics and Prima Philosophia: Festschrift for Ernildo Stein. Co-Edited with Draiton de Souza. Ijui: Ed.Unijui, 2006. 548 p. Includes contributions by Ernst Tugendhat, Hans Ineichen, John Sallis, Manfred Frank, Scarlett Marton, William Richardson et al.

Bioethics, Biotechnology, Biopolitics. Co-edited with R.T. Souza. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2008. 619 p. Includes contributions by Bernhard Waldenfels, Marlene Zarader, Zeev Levy, Ephraim Meir, Yudit Greenberg, Zeljko Loparic, Roberto Walton, E.J. Stein et al.

Global Justice and Democracy. Co-edited with D.G. Souza. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2009. Includes contributions by Ernst Tugendhat, André Berten, Georg Lohmann, François Marty, Jean-Christoph Merle, Wolfgang Kersting, Alessandro Pinzani et al.

In Preparation and Forthcoming Publications:

Tractatus practico-theoreticus. (forthcoming, 2009)

Deconstructing Liberation: The Phenomenological Deficit of Critical Theory (in preparation)

Chapters of Book


“Kant and the Foundations of a Theory of Justice,” in Sonia Felipe (ed.), Justiça e Eqüidade. Florianópolis: Insular, 1998, p. 105-124. (in Portuguese)


Philosophia Semper Reformanda: Husserlian Theses on Constitution,” In: Fenomenologia Hoje, edited by Ricardo de Souza and Nythamar de Oliveira. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2001, p. 247-268.


“Kant, Rawls, and the Foundations of a Theory of Justice,” in Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, ed. Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann und Ralph Schumacher, Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 2001, p. 286-295.


“Aestheticism in Nietzsche and Foucault,” in Filosofia: Diálogo de Horizontes, ed. Heloísa Feltes and Urbano Zilles, Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2001, p. 529-544.


“The Rawls-Habermas Debate,” in Draiton de Souza (ed.), Amor Scientiae: Festschrift para o Prof. R.  Ullmann, Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2002, p. 523-555.


Les défis normatifs de la justice globale selon John Rawls,” in Jean-François Mattéi and Denis Rosenfield (eds.), Civilisation et Barbarie. Paris: PUF, 2002, p. 211-229. (in French)


“Processos de Aprendizagem, Mundo da Vida e Sistema: Idéia de Universidade em Habermas,” in V. Rohden (ed.), Idéias de Universidade, Canoas: Edulbra, 2002, p. 104-115. (in Port.)


“Ideal Theory and Non-Ideal Theory: Rawls between Plato and Kant,” in Ética e Justiça, ed. Ricardo di Napoli et al., Editora da UFSM, 2003. p. 95-116. (in Port.)


Zu einer hermeneutische Begründung der Menschenrechte,” in Heinz Eidam, Frank Hermenau and Draiton de Souza (eds),
Metaphysik und Hermeneutik.
Festschrift für H.-G. Flickinger. Kassel: Verlag der Universität Kassel, 2004, p. 310-324. (in German)
“Globalization and Democratization in Brazil: An Interpretation of Rawls's Political Liberalism,” In “Omaggio a John Rawls,” ed. A. Punzi,
Quaderni della Rivista Internazzionale di Filosofia del Diritto 4 (2004): 565-586.

“The Problem of the Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights: A Transcendental-Semantic Approach to Cosmopolitanism,” in Filosofia e Direitos Humanos, ed. O.A. Aguiar, C.M. Pinheiro and K. Franklin. Fortaleza: Editora da UFC, 2006, p. 123-142.

“Rawls,” Dictionary of Philosophy of Law. Edited by Vicente Barreto. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da Unisinos, 2006.

"Guilt," in Encyclopedia of Love in World Religions, ed. Yudit Greenberg. New York: ABC-CLIO, 2007.

"Adeus: The Epiphany of the Other according to Levinas," in Phenomenology 2005, Volume II: Selected Essays from Latin America, ed. Zeljko Loparic and Roberto Walton, Zeta Books, 2007.

"Edmund Husserl," in Clássicos da Filosofia, ed. Rossano Pecoraro. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da PUC-Rio, 2008.

"Husserl, Heidegger and the Transcendental Problem of Signification," Fenomenologia Hoje, Volume 3: Bioethics, Biotechnology, Biopolitics, ed. Ricardo Timm de Souza and Nythamar de Oliveira. Porto Alegre: Edipucrs, 2008.

"Humanity and Universalizability: A Kantian Interpretation of the Foundations of Human Rights," in Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, ed. Valerio Rohden et al. Berlin/New York: W. de Gruyter, 2008, vol. 5, p. 745-756.

"Phenomenology," In The Blackwell Companion to Latin American Philosophy, Edited by Susana Nuccetelli, Ofelia Schutte, and Otavio Bueno. Blackwell, 2009.



“The Immortality of the Soul in Plato’s Republic,” Philosophia 7/8 (1994): 41-46. (in Port.)


“Morality, Sittlichkeit, and the Foundations of Ethics,” Reflexão XX/63 (1995): 95-119. (in Port.)


“Meaning and Skepsis in Wittgenstein’s Investigations,” Veritas  41/161 (1996): 65-74. (in Port.)


“The Worldhood of the World in Heidegger’s Reading of Heraclitus,” Manuscrito XIX/1 (1996): 201-224.


“Ethos, Kosmos, Oikos: Ethics and Environment,” Ciência e Ambiente 12 (1996): 43-56.


“Habermas on Nietzsche and Science,” New Nietzsche Studies 2 (1997): 101-110.


“Between Aesthetics and Ethics,”International Studies in Philosophy 31/4 (1999): 83-100.


“Kant as Arbiter between Hobbes and  Rawls,” Filosofia Política 4 (1999): 34-53. (in Port.)


“Lifeworld and Form of Life: Habermas’s Appropriation of  Husserl and Wittgenstein,” Veritas 44/1 (1999): 133-146. (in Port.)


“Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology of Meaning in the Investigations,” Veritas 45/1 (2000): 117-134.


“Critique of Public Reason Revisited: Kant as Arbiter between Rawls and Habermas,” Veritas 45/4 (2000): 583-606.


“Philosophia Semper Reformanda: Husserlian Theses on Constitution,” Manuscrito XXIII/2 (2001): 251-274.


“Dialectic and Existence in Kant and Kierkegaard,” Veritas 46/2 (2001): 231-253.

“Aesthetics and Ethics in the Third Critique,” Veritas 46/4 (2001): 322-341. (in Port.)


“Calvin’s Philosophical Anthropology of the Imago Dei,” Theophilos 1/2 (2001): 385-404.


“Hegel, Heidegger, Derrida: Demythologizing White Mythology,” Veritas 47/1 (2002): 35-57.


“Deconstructing Liberation: Theory and Praxis,” Teocomunicação 32/135 (2002): 155-178.


“Sittlichkeit and Religion: The Young Hegel’s Communitarianism,” Revista de Filosofia Política Nova Série (UFRGS) No. III/3 (2002): 89-105. (in Port.)


“The normative challenges of global justice according to John Rawls,” Filosofia Política, série III, n. 4 (2002): 171-189. (in Port.)


Theoria and Praxis: A Kantian Conception of Equality,” Dissertatio 15-16 (2003): 61-74. (in Port.)


Between Being and Nothingness: Sartre’s Existential Phenomenology of Liberation,” Veritas 48/4 (2003): 581-602.


“Ethics, War and Peace,” Revista da Fafimc 29 (2004): 77-97. (in Port.)


“Detranscendentalizing Subjectivity: Paul Ricoeur’s Revelatory Hermeneutics of Suspicion.” Veritas 49/2 (2004): 235-259.

“Zu einer hermeneutischen Begründung der Menschenrechte,” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54/6 (2006): 829-840.

Tout autre est tout autre: Human Rights and transcendental-semantic perspectivism,” Veritas 51/2 (2006): 98-108.

Adeus: The Epiphany of the Other according to Levinas,” Filosofazer 28 (2006): 11-22.

The Problem of the Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights,” Electronic Review ethic@ v.5, n. 1 (2006): 21-31.

“Rawls's normative conception of the person: A Kantian reinterpretation,” Veritas 52/1 (2007): 79-99.

"Husserl, Heidegger, and the task of a phenomenology of justice," Veritas 53/1 (2008): 123-144.

"Lifeworld, Democratic Ethos, and Globalization: Habermas's Deliberative Democracy," Dois Pontos 5/2 (2008): 49-71.

"Democracy and Education: Kant, Dewey, Habermas," Filosofazer 17/33 (2008): 19-33.

"Habemus Habermas: Ethical Universalism between Naturalism and Religion", Veritas 54/1 (2009): 217-237.

"Affirmative Action, Recognition, Self-Respect: Axel Honneth and the Phenomenological Deficit of Critical Theory," Civitas 9/2 (forthcoming, 2009)

Book Reviews


Michael Kelly, Critique and Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate (MIT Press, 1994), Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 4/1 (Blackwell, 1997): 141-144.


Pierre Kerszberg, Critique and Totality (Albany: State University of New York  Press, 1997), 274 p., Studia Kantiana  2 (2000): 151-154.


Dick Howard, The Specter of Democracy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002, 368 p. Veritas v. 49/1 (2004): 156-159.




Paul Valadier, Nietzsche l'athée de rigueur (1992-93), Paris: Desclée, 1979. (French into English)


Denis L. Rosenfield, “Brazilian Democracy” (1992) (Portuguese into English)


Hugh J. Silverman, “The In-difference of Ends” (1993) (Portuguese into English)


Katharina H. Rosenfield, “The State of Nature and Nature of the State” (1997) (Portuguese into English)


John Rawls, “A Kantian Conception of Equality” (in Rawls, Zahar, 2003) (English into Portuguese)


“Developing Value,” Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility, 2003 (websites www.ethos.org.br and www.sustainability.org) (English into Portuguese)


Celina Romany (ed.), Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Human Rights in the Americas: A New Paradigm for Activism. Washington: American University Press, 2001.(English into Portuguese)


Most Representative Papers

"Affirmative Action, Recognition, Disrespect: Recasting Honneth’s Critique of Power," Colloquium on "Inequalities in the World System," Cebrap, Sao Paulo, September 4, 2009.

"Habemus Habermas: Deliberative Democracy and Globalization," Seattle University, January 7, 2009.

"Reflective Equilibrium and Life-World: Habermas's Formal-Pragmatic Perspectivism," Society for Phenomenology and Human Sciences, Society for Phenomenology and Existentialist Philosophy (SPEP), Pittsburgh, October 18, 2008.

"Global Justice, Ethics, and Politics," Felician College, Philosophy Dept., Albin Obal Hall, Lodi, NJ, October 14, 2008.

"Reflective Equilibrium and Life-World," Illinois State University,
Philosophy Colloquia and Guest Lecture Series, April 4, 2008.

"Global Ethics: Pluralistic Universalism, Communitarianism, and Cosmopolitanism,"
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, December 7, 2007.

"Toward a Phenomenology of Justice," Philosophy Colloquium Series,
The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, November 9, 2007.

"Latin American Liberation Theology and Philosophy," Hispanic Heritage Month Lecture,
Office of Latino Initiatives, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, September 25, 2007.

“World, Subjectivity, and Meaning: Husserl, Heidegger and the Transcendental Problem of Signification,” Australasian Association of Philosophy, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia, July 3, 2007.


“Rawls's normative conception of the person: A Kantian reinterpretation,” Australasian Association of Philosophy, New Zealand Division Meeting, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ, Dec. 8, 2006.


"Menschenwürde, Menschlichkeit, Menschenwesen: Transcendental semantics and analytical hermeneutics"
University of Coimbra, International Congress of Phenomenology, March 12, 2005

"Humanity and Universalizability: The Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights"
St. Louis University in Madrid, Spain; November 30, 2004.

"A Kantian Interpretation of the Problem of Grounding Human Rights"
University of Lisbon, Portugal; November 25, 2004.

“Detranscendentalizing Subjectivity: Paul Ricoeur’s Revelatory Hermeneutics of Suspicion”, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, EUA, February 2, 2004.


“Globalization and Democratization: The Brazilian Reception of Rawls’s Political Liberalism”, Philosophisches Forum, Universität Kassel, Germany, February 29, 2003.


“Critique of Public Reason Revisited: Kant as Arbiter between Rawls and Habermas,” Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 14, 2002.


“John Rawls and the Question of Political Stability,” Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 29, 2002.


“Global Justice and Local Action,” Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY; April 27, 2001.


“Dialectic and Existence in Kant and Kierkegaard,” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting, New York, December 27, 2000.


“Kant, Rawls, and the Foundations of a Theory of Justice,” IX Internationaler Kant-Kongress, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, March 25, 2000.


“The Rawls-Habermas Debate and the Fate of Civil Society in Brazilian Democracy,” Latin American Center, State University of New York at Stony Brook, April 7, 1998.


“Between Aesthetics and Ethics: Desire at the Limits of Representation,” 8th Annual Philosophy Interpretation Culture Conference, State University of New York at Binghamton, NY, April 25, 1998.


“Theory of Justice: Kant and Rawls,” Colloquia of the Ph.D. Program in Philosophy; State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, NY, November 14, 1996.


“The Foucault-Habermas Debate: The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity,” Graduate Program in Philosophy, Villanova University, PA;  December 15, 1995.


Organization of International Events

Chair of Organizing Committee, Fourth International Symposium on Justice; Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2009; PUCRS and Goethe-Institut, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Chair of Organizing Committee, "Bioethics, Biotechnology, Biopolitics": Third International Symposium of the Brazilian Society for Phenomenology; June 5-9, 2006; Pontifical Catholic University, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Member of Scientific Committee, X. Internationaler Kant Kongress, Kant-Gesellschaft;
4.-9. Sept. 2005; University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Chair of Organizing Committee, Kolloquium "Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants";
Kant-Studien in Brasilien (in Vorbereitung des Internationalen Kant-Kongresses 2005);
Goethe-Institut Porto Alegre; 3.-7.05.2004; Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Chair of Organizing Committee, Third International Symposium on Justice;

Sept. 1-5, 2003; Pontifical Catholic University, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.


Chair of Organizing Committee, Globalization and Ethics Panel, Second World Social Forum; Jan.31-Feb. 4, 2002; Pontifical Catholic University, Porto Alegre, Brazil.


Chair of Organizing Committee, Second International Symposium on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics; Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2001; Pontifical Catholic University, Porto Alegre, Brazil.


Chair of Organizing Committee, Second International Symposium on Justice;

Aug. 21-25, 2000; Pontifical Catholic University, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.


Chair of Organizing Committee, First International Symposium on Phenomenology and Hermeneutics; Nov. 16-20, 1999; Pontifical Catholic University, Porto Alegre, Brazil.


Chair of Organizing Committee, First International Symposium on Justice; Aug. 18-22, 1997; Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil.


Awards and Fellowships

Latino Faculty Estrella Award, The University of Toledo, 2007 

Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2004-05.


DAAD-Capes, Brazil-Germany Academic Exchange, Jan.-Feb., 2003.


Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) Fellowship; 1995-2004.


Brazilian National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Capes); 1997-98


Pontifical Catholic University Travel Stipends, 2001, 2002, 2003.


Travel Stipends, Fulbright Commission; 1995.


W. Burghardt Turner Fellowship, SUNY at Stony Brook; 1990-1994.


Professional Affiliations


American Philosophical Association (International Member)


Brazilian Kant-Gesellschaft (Research Member, President of RS state chapter)


Brazilian Society for Phenomenology (Founding Member)






English, French, Portuguese, Spanish (fluent)


German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin (reading knowledge)




Catherine Audard
London School of Economics

Dick Howard

SUNY at Stony Brook


Donn Welton

SUNY at Stony Brook


Richard J. Bernstein

New School for Social Research


David B. Allison

SUNY at Stony Brook

John D. Caputo
Syracuse University

James Swindler
Illinois State University

Pierre Kerszberg

Université de Toulouse


Kenneth Baynes

Syracuse University



Resumé in Portuguese:

Curriculum Vitae CNPq

Email: nythamar@yahoo.com

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