The Boy Who Over Came Time
Chapter 1

Silently he watched, they had walked into the park an hour ago and followed the path past the blooming cherry blossom trees. The two were unaware of his movements. He smothered a growl as the boy took her hand, over the years he had learned patience. His fingers ran over the beads of his necklace his thoughts returned to his youth and how he would have enjoyed telling the young man with her to keep his hands off her. Come to think of it he had done it before, he thought smiling at the memory. As the warm summer breeze brought her scent to him his eyes closed letting the cherished scent fill him. He watched as she said something to the young man and as he walked away. He hadn't used his full speed in years and it felt good to leap the distance to land silently behind her.

"Hey Kagome. How ya doin'?" He purposefuly kept his tone light, he knew his presence would surprise her he didn't want to scare her at the same time. If she had continued her miko training that could be dangerous.

"I...I...Inu Yasha?" Kagome stuttered at the sight behind her. It had been years since she had returned for the last time from the feudal era. Time slowed as she stared at the half demon in front of her. He looked older than she remembered, his silver white hair was pulled back in a long ponytail, his tight black jeans emphasizing the strength of his legs, the red sweater reminiscent of his fire rat shirt he had always worn in the past. The of so familiar prayer beads, amber eyes filled with something she never thought to see in them. "How? When?" She asked climbing over the bench she had been sitting on. She didn't care that it wasn't lady like. She didn't care that other visits to the park were watching. All she knew was she needed to be in his arms.

With a low chuckle he welcomed her into his embrace lifting over the small barrier in the way. "How and when doesn't matter now. We'll talk about that later." He whispered into her ear holding her tightly. His eyes closed as he felt the warmth of her, as she molded herself to him.

"Excuse me sir. But would you mind releasing my fiancé."

Kagome stiffened at Hojo's voice and the tension she felt in Inu Yasha's body as he lifted his head.

"Is this true Kagome?" The hurt in Inu Yasha's eyes tore at her heart. She understood only to well the pain he was feeling. She had felt it every time he had talked about Kikyou. She reached up to caress his cheek her smile reassuring him. Still in his arms she turned to face Hojo.

"Hojo I never said I would marry you. I only said I would think about it."

"How dare you. I've waited for you all through school. Through all your mysterious illnesses" His voice full of anger, there was a threatening tone creaping into it as well. Kagome had never seen this side of Hojo. Something about him made her wonder how she could have ever seen him as gentle. Even his eyes promised violence. She felt the low growl building in Inu Yasha's chest, there was no sound only a vibration on her back, she felt the familiar relaxing before battle of his muscles. Hojo might be fool enough to threaten, but she doubted he could actualy harm the hanyou that held her. While Inu Yasha on the other hand was well equipped to do harm.

"I think you should leave." Inu Yasha's voice was soft, deadly soft. She had never heard him use this voice.

"Hojo, I promise I'll call you tomorrow. Please I need to ...." She begged, hoping to avoid a scene.

"No. We will settle this now."

Hojo never really saw Inu Yasha move. One instant Kagome was between them, the next she was to one side and he was several inches off the ground, held by one arm. "Boy, you will leave now. Or I will be happy to assist you in leaving. She said she would contact you. Now will you leave or do you wish assistance?"

Hojo stared down at the man holding him and was amazed. Who ever this guy was he was not only fast, but strong as well. The arm holding him wasn't shaking at all. But what really penetrated his mind was his yellow eyes watching his every move and the low growl coming from the white haired man in front of him. For the first time since seeing Kagome in a strangers arms Hojo's sanity returned. "I think I will be waiting for your call, Kagome."

"Good choice." Inu Yasha opened his hand letting Hojo fall to the ground. "Come on Kagome. We've got a lot of catching up to do."

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
