Historical Maps of

Finno-Ugric People (1935)
Complete Uralic World Guide

Maps of Finno-Ugric Distribution

Map of Finno-Ugric Distribution 400AD - Map IV
Map of Finno-Ugric Distribution 900AD - Map VII
Explanation of Color Codes for Maps IV and VII

Maps of Finno-Ugric Settlements and Place-Names

1. Map Showing 8 Finno-Ugric Republics - color coded
2. Map of Slavic expansion into Merja Land
3. Äänisjärvi (Onega) - Äänisentakainen Koreljaanien maa -Eastern
Karelia and Korelian areas (vertical hatch) and Vepsä (Southern shores of
the lake) - EXTRA BIG MAP!
4. I - Komi Autonomic Republic   II - Komi-Permiak Autonomous Area
5. Mari El Republic
6. Finnish Baltic Settlements
7. Ingerian Lands - Inkeriläisten Maa
8. Ancient Finno-Permic Settlements in the Oka River source Dnieper
9. Mordovia (Mordvan) Republic
10. Ugric and Samoyed People
11. Eastern Karelia and Vepsä - area between Ladoga and Onega
12. Great Migration of People
13. North Ladoga - Läskelä, Lahdenpohja, Sortavala, Valamo
14. Large map of Finland