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Hattrick Soccer Management Game

After discovering #Triviachat on mIRC, I became a regular there. A fellow regular, AragornOfGondor introduced me to this Hattrick game. I joined at the end of season 5, with three more league games to go. I won one of them and lost 2. Season 6 has already started, and during the preseason which lasted for about 3-4 weeks, I purchased some good players from the transfer list. I also developed a more strategic attitude towards the game. This invoved playing new formations like 3-4-3 and 4-3-3. I am first on the ladder after five competitive games in the League. Still overjoyed.

First Diagram -
The previous image shows a match report after my friendly game against psychopates. I sent four second team players to this friendly, and finished lucky winners 3-2. Friendlies are the less important games. They are not added towards your league wins, and most players send their reserves to practise in them.

Diagram 2 - This screenshot shows the teams I have played and the results of those games. A league game is played every sunday, while a friendly is played on Wednesday. If a friendly is not booked then your team does not play at all on Wednesday, unless you are in the Oceanian Cup. The cup is an elimination event, with rounds and extra time if your game is undecided after 90 minutes.

Diagram 3 - This diagram shows the table of the current league season. My team has played 2 games and won them. We have 6 points, each win giving me three points. Draws give you one point and losses give you none. The season is still young though, another team my shine during the later stages of the season.

Diagram 4 - This screenshot shows the ratings of each team's match for the previous Sunday. This week I have been rated the best team in my league, with a rating of 45. These ratings are calculated from the stars your players get, divided into stars for defense, stars for attack, and stars for midfield.

Match Orders

You pick which players you prefer for you next match, and what position you'll put them in. This is determined by factors like; certain skills that player holds. For a midfielder this is stamina and playmaking. These factors are given at the site, but to efficiency look at all player attributes simultaneously, you will need Hattrick Assistant Manager. This is explained below.

Hattrick Assistant Manager Program screenshot

For a hattrick fanatic like me, you would need the program above to manage your team. It rates your players' abilities in numbers. The higher certain ratings, that player should be preferred over others in a match, unless you want to prevent them from being injured; you may need them in an important match. More Archives

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This site was last updated 01/28/03