So once you've examined upstairs, take a look down here to find the remaining artefacts of the building. You'll find the usual stuff that gets stored in basements but you'll also find a collection of 70s glass lampshades, tools including a pickaxe (odd to find in a church), a safe with Sunday School test papers dated 1970, and a wall painting (which we could not determine why it was down here and not in the church).

An area filled to shoulder height with dirt.

Ladders and a chair lay in the dark probably for years.

Snotcicles in their early stages.

A collection of 70s lampshade in the corner of one of the rooms.

A safe containing a report paper dated 1970.

Oddly, a painting of two people sat on a bench although it is out of view from the rest of the church.

Tools lay in this room.

The ladder was the only thing in the basement ever to see light.






Urban exploration is extremely dangerous and poses many health risks. I do not condone or promote the act of urban exploration, merely the product of it as displayed in this website. Urban exploration may be termed illegal under UK law.