the bottom!draco imporium--Veela Blood

11. Trust

What did I just do? What the hell was that? I read once…. But that’s impossible…. can’t be. I stroll down the silent halls still filled with the workings of quiet students hard at work. The warmth of the atmosphere, the chill of the wind. I swear this bloody castle never warms. I need to find Draco. Where would he have gone though? Before I claimed him we were just enemies, enemies don’t exactly go out of their ways to figure out what the other likes to do, go, hide.

“Fuck it all.” I mutter and begin the slow assent up the stairs to the library. I slip into the archaic old room, my nose assaulted by the scent of crumbling, molding bits of paper strapped together with bits of leather. Growling under my breath I skim over the faded spines, wandering from shelf to shelf, blatantly aware that my growling was becoming more obscene and audible as I went. I want my bloody Draco now! Stop god damn you, there are things we need to find now. Great now I’m talking to myself.

I pause at a book, the one; I recognize it from the ’orphanage’, the spine reading Veela’s: The Study. Flipping it open to the table of contents I let my eyes wander down slipping over the familiar chapter headings. Myths and Facts, Powers, Mating…blah, blah, blah…ah here we go, page eighty three, Early Evolution. I open to the page and skim through pausing at the third paragraph.

Through magical and genetic tracing it is believed that the veela evolved from that of the broad family of Magious Chimeric the family that also includes the like of the werewolves, elves, certain true strains of vampires, the weaker dragon types, the chimeras that went into extinction long ago, and the unicorn among others. Some research has even lead to a theory that veela evolved from a strain of werewolf and unicorn mix but, although the genetics support theory, it has not yet been hypothesized how a werewolf and unicorn would ev

I snarled slightly and skipped ahead

Although not much is known about the true behavior of veela’s in their early evolution there has been evidence presented that suggests that veela’s once traveled in groups similar to the packs. Early recordings that were deciphered mentioned that of a pack leader of sorts, for example the alpha male in a pack of wolves. Although the veela evolved much in the same way that the human did, the pack culture seemed to play an important role in early evolution adding to the success of the race. By hunting in a pack and following a single leader the veelas’ singularly unique weakness in difficult reproduction allowed the veela as a species to avoid extinction.

The veela leader was commonly the strongest of the pack although some instances show that leader could allow take position of power by extreme cunning and trickery. As with the choosing of a mate, veela leaders could be either men or women and often times because women held the veela touch they would become the pack leaders. Although in rare instances it was recorded that strong males of the few males also gifted with the touch.

Documentation has found that shows the early veela’s language had heavy outside influence. Italian was common and the leader of a pack was often called, ‘Cane’ which translates to lead dog. The underlings or those unflavored by the Cane were often called Scemo, basically, weak minded. The term weak minded is thought to be connected to the test of leadership in which the current Cane tests minds with the opposing veela. Very little is recorded on the test or the possible powers involved. The answers are lost for now as the veela has evolved from the need of neither packs or tests.

I shake my head, unless of course you are lucky enough to have had a potion forced down your throat that turns you into a veela, fucking the idea that they’ve evolved beyond the need…then again. The ability to dominate another’s mind, I wonder, does it work only on veela’s or possibly a wider range of humanoid species? I return the book to the shelf and left the library. There I proceed to wander the halls until the classes change and I slip out the front door into the unforgiving autumn air.

I glance around, breathing in the scent of death on the wind that comes with the coming of each fall. Autumn is my favorite time of year, it represents the coming death of the land and eternal sleep, then the world is born anew again but I don’t care too much for that part. The corner of my eye catches hold of something near the lake. I turn and look my eyes locking onto a huddled form standing near the lake, silvery blond hair tousled by the wind.

The water laps slowly, licking the shores with a tired ease. I don’t know why I’m here but the cold air helps clear some of the pain. That stupid pain that has been stabbing at my skull ever since I saw my father, funny thing, I can’t remember why my father saw me or what we talked about or anything. I think back and I remember boarding the train for school and suddenly I’m here and the pain. Not only that but there’s a gap in me, right between my ribs where my heart should be.

It’s like I’m missing something. The ache between my ribs the pain in my heart this unidentifiable longing. I feel as if I’ve lost something very dear to me, something I’ll never be able to replace. It feels like, when I’ve read books, sappy love stories, when love is lost and it feels like a description of that only it hurts so much more than that of a story lost of true love or the piercing pain in my head.

My revere is broken as arms curl around me, a scent I know, a scent I suddenly hunger for. The owner of the arms leans forward, propping his head on my shoulder, holding me even more tightly. Potter? I can’t stop my colliding emotions, hate, anger and jealousy from one side, the side I know. Then there is respect, fear and…love? Those feelings they come from the ache in my chest, they scream something powerful inside, something I would have to be stupid to ignore.

“…Harry?” I ask, the name is thick in my mouth but utterly too familiar and comfortable.

I can see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

“Shhh, Dragon…. Open your mind to me. Trust what you do not know…trust this.” He reaches up, sliding his hand up to cover my heart and the ache.

I do trust that pain, the ache that tells me to listen, to obey and do anything he wants; anything to make him happy, to make him smile. The pain that lessens just by his nearness and touch.

I trust and an…almost like a soft warmth invades my mind, how to describe such a thing that has no feeling to describe a flavor of vanilla in my mind. I can feel him, touching my mind and memories, his searches gentle as he roves, his mental touch caresses and sends chills down my spine. I feel myself grow tight and my breath quickens without my permission.

This isn’t right, the rational part of my mind screams, the one that knows, whose memories aren’t clouded. This is Harry Potter, the enemy, the boy wonder; my life goal is to destroy his and this way I feel is wrong…and right, absolutely perfect.

Suddenly the feeling the vanilla, pauses and brushes against something in my mind, as he brushes it pain shoots through my skull and down every nerve in my body. My legs give out, Harry is there though, some part of me says he will be forever, and he braces upon my weight and holds me up. Mentally he prowls the area around the barrier, careful not to touch it and I am grateful for that.

It seems like forever and a half before he stops prowling and his external body stiffens, he smiles, “I know now, I can relieve your mind of the memory block without hurting you at all, my Dragon.” He laughs lightly, “It’s hard to believe that Lucius came up with such a complicated memory charm. This is how it’s going to work, Draco. The only way I can destroy the successfully break the spell without hurting you is to rapidly drain off all the magical and physical energies from the spell and shatter it simultaneously.” His voice grew somber, “I won’t let you without your memories, Dragon, but I don’t want to hurt you and I’ve never done this before…I’m going to leave this decision to you. Live in ignorance, pain and denial or trust me for a seconds gamble with the stakes being our lives. If I screw up then I’ll probably die in the spells backlash. Your decision…” His voice, somber, clouded with fear and slightly choked. Draco couldn’t see Harry’s face but he could see it so clearly in his minds eye.

“I trust, not in you, I trust in this.” I touch the spot above my heart, “and because of that, yes. Do it.”

part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve
