Diary of a Vampire

by ‘The Storyteller’

Night 1 Continued - The Embrace of Rhiannon

Rhiannon works in PR for a record label company, and has been asked to go to the City library by her supervisor, to research newspaper clippings of ‘Pig’s Blood’, an upcoming new band.

She has never set foot in the City library before, and is a little out of her comfort zone when she walks in. Behind the front counter she finds a small mousy woman of similar age, who she approaches for assistance in her research. She becomes annoyed when the woman asks if she’s ever used a computer! Of course she has, she uses a lap top everyday! Rhiannon is escorted to the rear of the library, and sets about finding the relevant information. She just wants to get the job done and get out of this huge building, as she feels a little uneasy since she didn’t see anyone else inside other than the librarian.

Rhiannon types away on the keyboard, and locates a few interesting articles. Suddenly a scream breaks the silence. Being from such a big city, with crime rates so high, she chooses to ignore the sound. Best not to get involved! Besides, Rhiannon has work to do. She doesn’t hear anything further, so she continues with the search.

A few minutes later, the main lights turn off, leaving her in part darkness. “Just great” she thinks to herself. “The least they could do if they were about to close would be to come and ask me to leave, rather than ‘subtly’ turning the lights off!” The area immediately around her is illuminated by the soft glow of the computer screens and the emergency lights above the doorways. Nothing left to do now, except to go to the front counter. “After all this research, I’m at least going to get this printed out before I leave!” she thinks to herself.

Unsure of her way around the library when it was lit, she has little idea of exactly where she is going in the dark. Noticing the glow of the exit sign above where she thinks the front door is, she carefully heads in that direction. Making her way through the aisles of books, she is suddenly confronted by a man! He grabs her around the throat with one hand, and lifts her straight up into the air! Arms and legs flailing, she lands a kick straight into her assailants chest. It feels like she hit a tree trunk though, and it doesn’t harm him in the slightest. He raises his other hand, brandishing long dark nails like a bear’s claw. In a flash, the sharp nails plunge into the side of her throat. He drops her from the air, and she falls heavily to the ground, blood spurting from her neck. She tries to get up, as he stands in front of her. His eyes are wild, and he lunges at her, grabs her by the hair, reefs her head to one side, then buries his face into her bloodied neck.

She loses consciousness, but then is awakened by searing pain, her lips and mouth burning, as if on fire. Agony and ecstasy wash over her simultaneously, while she gazes at him in front of her. Holding out his own bloodied wrist to her, he commands her to “drink”. Unable to think clearly, she is overwhelmed by this strange compulsion, and eagerly she latches onto his wrist, sucking his blood thirstily. He pulls back his arm, but she is reluctant to relinquish her desire, and tries to hold it to her mouth. Slamming the palm of his other hand into her forehead, her head crashes backwards onto the floor. She falls unconscious once again.


[ The Masquerade | Teresa's Story | Teresa's Statsheet | Embrace | Embrace of Rhiannon | Awakening | Vampyre | Betrayal | Gordon ]

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