The Brew Pub

The evils of tea (and the virtues of beer) An amusing excerpt from William Cobbett's Cottage Econony, published in 1822. It extols the virtues of beer, showing how it is much superior to tea, which seems to be supplanting it as the beverage of choice in England at the time.
Makkolli This page gives very simple instructions for the making of makkolli, a Korean rice beer. Also included is some history of the drink and some links to other information regarding it.
Tom and Vince's Homebrew Pages Tom and Vince bill this as a page to help the novice brewer get started using either kits, or full mash techniques.
Hop Utilization Page Charts and tables for computing hops utilization. Also links to pages that will do the calculations for you.
Home Wine & Beer Trade Association The Home Wine & Beer Trade Association is a group of over 400 retailers and wholesalers from eleven countries. Established in 1979, the association strives to promote the responsible growth of the home wine & beer making industry.
Allen and Melissa's Homebrewing Tips This site is loaded! So far I have only looked at a few areas of the site, but what I have seen looks really nice. There is a lot more that I haven't had the time to look at, yet, but I will. You can be sure of that!
Supplier List from Mike's Place This is a list of homebrew shops that have free catalogs and either an "800" phone number, or an e-mail address where the catalog can be ordered from.
The Brewery This site is just loaded with information on beer, mead, and cider. It also includes recipies, articles tasting notes and downloadable software.
The Real Beer Page This page is just loaded! The Brew Tour lets you select from a list of breweries by name, address, city, state, zipcode, or area code. The output can be formatted in several ways. Select Breweries to get hot links to breweries on the WEB. The Hot Links page has more links to mare beer related WEB sites than I even want to think about. That is only three of the twelve options from this page. Try it out for yourself and see what you think.
Association of Brewers This page has many links. In addition to other sites, it also has links to book excerpts, recipes, beginning brewing information and information on teaching brewing to others for those who aren't beginners.
The Bite-Me Beer Page Yes, the title put me off a bit, too, but we can't judge a book by it's cover or a WEB page by it's title. This page has information on beer judging, beer reviews, homebrewing and recipies (actually, the recipies page looks like it will be active at some futre date, but is not at this time), beerware, a beer encyclopedia (also not yet ready for prime time) and, of course, more beer links.
Cindy Renfrow's Links Page Many links on the following subjects: Barrels & Casks, Botany; Brewing, Embroidery, Food, Culinary gleanings from Gerard's Herbal, Historical Information, Merchants, Miscellaneous and Re-enactment
Clarifiers & Finings This article has good information for fining your beer. Specific information is included on reducing, or eliminating chill haze.
Rheinheightsgebot A scanned image of the original Rheinheightsgebot - the German Beer Purity Law - an English translation and some other information on the law.
The Shire Brewing Company A member of the Fire Brewing Webring this is a jumping off point to all sorts of information.
Beer Recipes Index A few beer recipes. Not a lot, but maybe more will be added in the future.
Wines, beers and spirits of the net This site has links to Usenet, mailing lists, FTP sites and Web sites pertaining to many aspects of alcohol production, both homemade and commercial.

Zymurgy Not the magazine! This site contains a list of brewing acronims, a brief brewing dictionary, a list of stopper sizes and more.
C. D. Pritchard's page Brewing gadgets, personal and commercial homebrew links as well as electronic and miscellaneous sites.

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This page last updated on August 29, 1998