
More Personal Stuff:

Scenes from my neck of the woods:

My daughter and I go to the park a good bit, and these are a few of the monuments there. The zoo is also at Cleveland Park, but the pictures of the animals were too dark to use, so I'll try again later. Information on the memorials will be availible soon.

Korean War Memorial at Cleveland Park
Korean War Memorial at Cleveland Park
Circus Train at Cleveland Park
Antique Circus Train at Cleveland Park
Vietnam War Memorial at Cleveland Park
Vietnam War Memorial at Cleveland Park

My Family:

Here I am again and that's me with my sisters and brother. My older sister, Dot, is in blue on the front row, our middle sister, Mel, is wearing the gray jumper. Harm, in the peach colored dress is recovering from surgery for a brain tumor that was found just after Christmas, she's a real trooper. My brother, John, he's the baby (lol, bro, I just had to say that), and of course me with glasses.

Yep, It's me again, Working on a Computer.
Just Me
Harmony, John, Me, Dot, & Melody,
Me and my sibs

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This page was updated 06/28/04 © 1998-2004 Maddog Creations