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Hungarian Poems



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Today's Hungary

               Poetry and prose 

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Hungary is a small nation, with the prose literature of a small nation. But amongst its poets there are a few giants who would rank among the greatest in the world if only the world could understand them. Poets are regarded as immensely important in Hungary, much more important then in Britain: poetry is a living force, a cultural life-line, the hope, solace, and delight of millions. 

Mikes, Georg (György), 

emigrant Hungarian writer 

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Guestbook I typed in most English translations
of Hungarian poems from the book:
In Quest of the Miracle Stag.

The Hungarian originals were taken 
from the Hungarian Electronic Library.

I have to pay tribute here to our high-school literature teacher, Mrs. Sipos, who made us love the written word.

Hungarian poets English translations & original Hungarian poems
Ady, Endre I Guard Your Eyes - Õrizem a szemed
The Hawk Nuptials - Héja nász az avaron
Letter of Dismissal - Elbocsáto, szép uzenet
Valaki utravalt belolunk
I am the Son of  King Gog of Magog - Góg és Magóg fia vagyok én
The Poet of the Hortobágy - A Hortobágy Poétája
The Magyar Messiahs - A magyar messiások
The Magyar Fallow - A magyar ugaron
On Elijah's Chariot - Illyés szekerén
Behold my Treasures, darling- Nezz, dragam, kincseimre
Because You Love me - Mert engem szeretsz
Arany, János The Bards of Wales-A walesi bárdok
The two pages of Szondi - Szondi két apródja
The mother of King Matthias- Mátyás anyja
Faludy, Georg The United States
62, Birckbeck Road
Jewish wisdom
The fourty forth
The seventy seventh
At the Hungarian border
József, Attila And So I’ve found my native country-Ime hát megleltem hazámat
Karóval jöttél…
Leaves are falling - Hull a levél…
Nagyon fáj
The seventh - A hetedik
Kosztolányi Dezso A játék
Kölcsey, Ferenc Hymn (Hungarian national anthem) - Himnusz
Petôfi Sándor National Song - Nemzeti dal 
I'll be a tree - Fa leszek
The shepherd rides in donkey-back - Megy a juhász szamáron
From 'The clouds' - 'Felhök'-böl
Scotch, English & American Poets
Edgar Allen Poe Annabel Lee - Annabel Lee
Raven- A hollo
Ulalume- Ulalume
George Gordon, Lord Byron Dear Doctor, I have read your play
And Thou art Dead, as Young and Fair
She Walks in Beauty
When we two parted
Adieu, Adieu my Native Shore
Robert Burns Highland Mary – Felföldy Mary
Scots Wha Hae
John Anderson, My Jo – John Anderson, szívem Jo
My heart’s is in the Highlands – Felföld, hegyeim
Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Nation - Skót hírnevünk
For a’that and a’that – Ezért is, azért is
William Blake Tyger – Tigris
Infant sorrow – A csecsemõ bánata
The little Boy lost – Elveszett fiúcska
The little Boy found – Megtalált fiúcska
French Poets
Arthur Rimbaud Ma boheme
Paul Verlaine Chanson d'automne - Autumn song - Oszi sanzon
Hungarian writers
Szerb, Antal The Pendragon Legend (excerpts)
Mikes, Georg How to be a Brit? (excerpts)
How to be a Yank? (excerpts)
Ferdinandy, Gyorgy
Tsehov (Russian)
Ne'meth, La'szlo' (Hungarian)
Csa'th Ge'za (Hungarian)
Do you know about more literate doctors? Let me know!