Bienvenue chez moi !

Welcome to my Champs Elyses apartment!

Hi! I'm Martyn.

There are a number of things I intend to put up on this site, some of them about me, some about my family, some about friends. My family lineage dating back to 1700 is also on the Internet if anyone is interested.

If you're interested in the technical details, why not consult my curriculum vitae.

As I get going, I'll also be putting up information about my writings in English and Esperanto and, hey why not, a couple of decent photos (well, you wouldn't want anything indecent, now would you? Besides, Geocities would trash me...). Decent photos of me have yet to be taken, so you may have to put up with my sons and just imagine what genes engendered them (or should that be "engineered them"?).

Martyn has two sons: Benjamin (7 yo in September 1999) and Timothy (5 yo in August 1999). He also has five caged birds: a canary and four zebra finches.

Hobbies: Martyn enjoys swimming, reading, Esperanto, chatting, hanging loose with friends, and playing with the kids. He is also interested in human rights.

Marteno Ecott estas diplomita tradukisto euxropa. Li estas denaska brito kaj elekta sviso. Li laboras cxe Disauxdiga Unio Euxropa. Li ofte kontribuas al Monato. Tie vi trovos kelkajn artikolojn. Kaj tie komenco de pagxo kun tradukoj de noveloj.

Li havas du filojn : Benjamin (sepjara en septembro 1999) kaj Timothy (kvinjara en auxgusto 1999). Li havas kvin birdojn: kanarion kaj kvar kastanotojn.

Vizitu mian ejon pri homaj rajtoj.

@ in the meantime.

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