We Will Not Forget
We remember the rubble the scattered papers, and the broken glass. Lives of thousands taken away from us before our eyes in a flash.

We remember the pain and the sadness we felt.The hurt in each others eyes. The way we held on to a stranger as we watched the smoke fill our skies.

We remember the way we all walked in a daze wondering if our loved one would be found in the grey smokey haze.

We remember the sadness in our hearts as we told each child, mommy or daddy can't be found. The tears as they fell to the ground.

We remember the mother who labored that day long ago,  Her son is that nice man we know. She had to be told. Her only son never walked away, instead he tried to help others that day.

Oh, we remember oh so very well. The day we were tested from the pits of hell. The day that the Devil had purchased several souls. Used them to destroy our loved ones here, but we remember, and we have no fear.

We remember our heros that fell that sad day. The hero is not the evil from the firey pits it is the ones he has taken, but he don't understand this.

We remember the love they all gave, and although we remember the shattered mess that was left in our streets and our lives, we remember each life that touched us.

We remember the choices we were given. The way we had to identify.We knew it was not easy, but with each tear we looked to the skies.

We remember the day you want us to. We will not forget. Not because you have broke us down in any way, for we are so much stronger as we'll pray, and remember in heaven, it is a heavenly birthday.


Written By:  T ;)...
CopyRight September 2002 All Rights Reserved